Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hey Ya'll

I know ya'll are wondering where the heck the birthday post is! I am in the process of editing (I know, I sound like I am a professional photographer here don't I???) Some of you may not know but this blog (well, the first year at least) will be put into a hard bound album thanks to so I want to make our very last post for the album a good one. It may take me a few days to get it up so bare with us. I also want to thank everyone for calling, texting, emailing, etc. before, during and even after to wish Delaney a happy birthday (and for those of you knew to check on me! ha ha ha). It is quite hysterical to think that so many of you knew to "check up on me" on her birthday. The day was so busy that I didn't have time to break down! Anyway, for those of you who can't stand a blog post without pictures of my girl.....her 12 month (notice I refuse to use the term "one year" pictures are up) so mosey on over to and the code for her gallery is won't be sorry!!! I only have a week to decide which ones to purchase! I have it narrowed down to 8 (which isn't bad since there are 56 proofs!) I think they did a great job of capturing Delaney's personality!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,

    The photos are AWESOME. Just for fun--here are my favorites: 9,12; 20,21,22;26,28;46,54; 39,42,44.

    Can't wait to see the "cowgirl" birthday pics.

