If this isn't a sign Christmas is just around the corner, I don't know what is!!
(Bad picture, still learning how to use the new camera)..............................
Which put us (and by us, I mean "me") in the mood to start wrapping...
Well, at least the gifts we need to ship out this week!
All the wrapping sure wore out Delaney........(and I would also like all of our followers to know this is not her only nap today, she took a 2 and 1/2 hour nap at noon)!!!!!!!!
And, here it is, Delaney's 1st Christmas tree!
We think it's "
I wanted something unique for her tree topper (anyone can have an angel or a star) so I went looking in her drawers for something and here's what I found, her pink hat from the hospital (that I don't think she ever wore because her head was so big)!!!!!!!
Tree is beautiful. The hat was a great idea; no one but her mommy would have thought of that. She must have been really tired to fall asleep in her pack n play sitting up.