Can you guess why?????????????????

WRONG!! Mom only THOUGHT Delaney had an ear infection but to quote her doctor, "her ears are perfect". I was literally doing the happy dance right there in the doctor's office I was so happy. I mean I just can't have this little girl getting sick on my watch! Her eye has been watery and she's been tugging at her ear (which are also symptoms of teething which is apparently all that's going on). But of course I just couldn't chance it when it comes to my favorite little person so off to the doctor we went!!! Delaney must have been excited to go to the doctor because she was bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7:00 a.m. this morning! I thought I was dreaming when I heard her. I looked at the alarm clock and it said 8:00 a.m. (if this were "
thruthful Thursday" then someone would probably have to admit she hasn't even changed the alarm clock to daylight
savings time) so I was thinking it was 8:00 and then realized oh my goodness it's only 7:00!!! We got up (apparently she just wanted to watch the news--the weather of course) and then went back to bed until our normal 9:00!! We had a nice long talk about it and she promises NEVER to do that again!!!!!!!! I couldn't resist a picture of her crooked little lips........................

And here's a closer view.........

We recently lowered her crib but I was paranoid she was going to still be able to climb out of it so we lowered it to the lowest setting.......

"MOMMY........I KNOW you see me"..............

"Is this for real"?????

"I'll try going this way........"

Delaney has always been mesmerized by the
vacuum...I don't know if she aspires to be a domestic diva or just likes to see mom clean!!! She LOVES to watch me use it.

The next few pictures should tell you what Delaney's been up to..................

But, this mom's not ready to "blog" about it....because maybe, just maybe.......

It's a phase and "this too shall pass"..........

I sure hope so......................

"Mommy, stop blogging about me and get down here and read me a book".........
She's going to be exploring everything now, "watch out mom, I'm right behind you".
ReplyDeleteToo cute.