Sunday, April 25, 2010

"One Month Old"

What has Delaney Been Up to This Past Month?

1. She now weighs 10.4 lbs (9 lbs at birth)

2. She is 21 and 1/2 inches long (20 inches at birth)

3. She eats 4 oz of formula after she nurses (and sometimes more) and eats every few hours

4. She is a good sleeper and usually sleeps at least 4 hours at night without waking up. She usually just wakes up once at night

5. She is starting to smile a lot (which of course melts our hearts)--still working on capturing it in a picture

6. She has been out of the house 4 times and each time was for a doctor appointment. She and I are thinking of changing the paint color on the walls because we are getting tired of staring at them!

7. She is sleeping in her crib now

8. And as you may expect, in the last month, she has managed to wrap herself around someone's little finger!!!

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