If Delaney would wake up, I know this is what she would say. Delaney already knows that it's not polite to discuss a woman's age but wanted to tell her grandma Happy _ Birthday!!!!

So, for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to "see" if my pre-pregnancy jeans would fit this morning----NOT a good idea!! Perhaps this is why???? I love my brownie pan David's mom got me for my birthday. They come out already sliced. However, if "their" slices is what counts as one serving, I'm in big trouble!!!
Delaney's doctor appointment went great (well, after waiting for the doctor for 45 minutes that is). He thinks Delaney is perfectly fine and her hip is not out of socket. However, he is going to follow up with an ultrasound on May 17th.
What a perfect way to wish grandma happy birthday! She's just so precious.