Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Pretty in Pink"

This picture was taken of Delaney when she was just 3 days old. This is the outfit I wore home from the hospital THIRTY-FIVE years ago! I was worried it would be too big on Delaney but since she was born just 2 ounces less than what I weighed, it wasn't as big on her as I thought it would be. I just love Delaney in pink...(actually, I just love Delaney in EVERY color). My girlfriend told me I wouldn't get tired of putting her in pink because there are so many different shades. I think she was right. Doesn't she look like a little Amish baby here?? David and I just stare at her and say how beautiful she is (and then fight over who she looks like! ha ha ha) And this is Delaney today (again in pink). Sorry grandpa for the headband, mom made me wear it but it was just for this picture--it's a little tight on my big head!!!! I didn't test her patience and only took one picture---I think she's looking at me saying "seriously mom, the camera AGAIN".

Delaney had a great day today and slept A LOT (I'm hoping that's not an idicator it's going to be a restless night). My friend Lesley came to see us today and we had a great visit. We hope to get out tomorrow for a walk since it's going to be so nice out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"My Daddy's Coming Home"

David has been in Texas since early Monday morning for work. He is FINALLY on his way home (and yes, I realize it's only been three days but when you're a hands on daddy like David is, three days seems like forever!).....We spent the time having lots of visitors and just us girls hanging out. Here is a picture of Delaney waiting up for her daddy (whose plane is already delayed an hour)!!!!
Delaney had one MAJOR blowout today (she was wearing a new outfit and I didn't even get her picture in it) that required her to be "hosed down" in the kitchen sink! Of course she did it while dad's away!!
*Note how well Delaney writes already (I keep telling people she's "advanced" for her age--don't believe me---just look at yesterday's post to see how she already knows how to "wink" ha ha)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Trick

We had a fun visit today from Julie and Jack. Here is what happened when I took a phone call. Julie swaddled Delaney and put her in her crib!! She was out like a light. Why didn't I ever think of this? ha ha ha..............She looks so tiny in her crib.
And so big in her Moses basket. I think she's going to pop out of this thing very soon!
I just knew I"d capture her smiling! But I didn't expect a wink too! This one's for you daddy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Sleeping Beauty"

Delaney and I had a great visit today with aunt Karey. She brought us chinese for lunch!! Delaney has been a little fussy today but once she calmed down this is what happened.......
This blanket was dad's when he was little..........

Sunday, April 25, 2010

"One Month Old"

What has Delaney Been Up to This Past Month?

1. She now weighs 10.4 lbs (9 lbs at birth)

2. She is 21 and 1/2 inches long (20 inches at birth)

3. She eats 4 oz of formula after she nurses (and sometimes more) and eats every few hours

4. She is a good sleeper and usually sleeps at least 4 hours at night without waking up. She usually just wakes up once at night

5. She is starting to smile a lot (which of course melts our hearts)--still working on capturing it in a picture

6. She has been out of the house 4 times and each time was for a doctor appointment. She and I are thinking of changing the paint color on the walls because we are getting tired of staring at them!

7. She is sleeping in her crib now

8. And as you may expect, in the last month, she has managed to wrap herself around someone's little finger!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posing for the Camera............

Is not exactly something Delaney has mastered yet........BUT, every once in awhile I get lucky!
Take One.........

Take Two.........

Take Three...

As many of you know, Delaney has a very "extensive" wardrobe. This is without question, one of my favorite outfits. It was bought for Delaney by David's great aunt and uncle Joe and Janet Purichia. I have been saving it for a "special occasion". But, when you're one month old and not allowed out of the house...what exactly qualifies as a "special occasion"?? So, I decided to put it on her today!! I was going to add a white headband but her grandpa doesn't like her in headbands (plus, you don't get to see all of her hair when she wears them)!
David and I got out last night for the first time. Delaney got to spend some quality time with her Grandma Terry. Before Grandma arrived, I made a list (a one and a 1/2 page list to be exact) of instructions! ha ha ha. While we were out, I was talking to another first time mom who's son is 2 weeks older than Delaney who left her little boy with her mother in law a list too. EXCEPT---she typed her's out! I told Terry I guess it could have been worse, she could have gotten a typed set of instructions!! We were gone from 4:30-9:00 so it wasn't a late night by any means but at least we got out (and, never even called home once to check on Delaney who by the way Grandma, saved her dirty diaper for us!)
I had a couple of first time mom milestones yesterday...I was able to SQUEEZE into some pre-pregnancy jeans and will continue to be a faithful purchaser of Gap's Long and Leans because of it!!! Additionally, after many months, I was able to put back on my wedding rings!!! YEAH!!!!
Delaney spent her 2nd night in her crib last night. We didn't blog about the 1st night because we're still not ready to talk about it! (It didn't go well). She went to bed at 11:30 p.m. and got up at 3:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. and immediately went back to bed right after both feedings and didn't get up until 9:45 a.m.!!! We hope this continues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Look Who Came to Visit

Delaney got a visit from her great grandma Purichia. Grandma got to hold her, rock her, feed her and sing to her.

Great Grandma said something I will NEVER forget just before she left. She said "Look What I Started"....Great Grandma had five kids--I think she definitely started something!!
We are still having lots of visitors and almost on a daily basis. I think Delaney is going to be a social butterfly (like mother like daughter) once she's allowed out of the house. She loves people! However, her mother isn't feeling very social these days but that's all about to change because Grandma Terry is babysitting tonight while mom and dad get out of the house!!! (If you need me, you can find me in my closet because it will take me the rest of the day to find something that fits to wear tonight)!! I have spent the last four weeks in "comfy pants"!!!!!!!!!!!!! If dad would let us out of the house, Delaney and I would make an emergency shopping trip!
Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Well Proportioned"

Here is Delaney on our way to her 4 week check up today. She LOVES riding in the car (too bad we aren't allowed out yet to go for more car rides)!!! We got the "Lion King" room today. Delaney was described as "well proportioned" weighing in at 10.4 lbs.!! She is now 21 and 1/2 inch long. David is worried she's going to be short like her mom!! (Note she is spitting up in this picture)......

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"10-4 good buddy"

No, we are not teaching our daughter "trucker talk" that's how long Delaney slept last night without waking up!!! She likes to get up at 4:00 a.m. to watch old episodes of Roseanne!!! Then she goes back to sleep for a couple of hours. We have been blessed with a good sleeper (so far). Delaney is going in her room/crib this weekend. We are all ready for it (yes, I'm speaking for all of us).

We go back to the pediatrician in the morning. I can't wait to see how much she weighes (9.4lbs 2 weeks ago). I'll update tomorrow (and I promise, attach a picture).

P.S. Does anyone know if perms are "in". Seems like I never get to blow dry my hair anymore and am lucky to squeeze in a shower/make up. I look like I have a perm and was just wondering if I happened to be in style???

Happy Hump Day!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grinn'in and Glide'n

If you're wondering how the brownies turned out--well here's a peek. I know, you're asking "where's the brownie"?? Well, it's nestled underneath the ice cream (actually it's frozen yogurt), whipped cream, hot fudge and cherrie!!! Looks like those pre-pregnancy jeans are gonna have to wait another day!!! Just looking at this makes me want to go and make another sundae!! For those of you who don't know, I was the 1993 Home Ec Award recipient at BGHS!! Although these really aren't hard to make! ha ha ha

Delaney spent time in her glider this morning (thank you Lesley for letting us borrow it).

I TRIED to capture her grinning/smiling since she does that now but you know how that goes trying to get a picture of a baby doing what you ask!! If she keeps sucking her thumb I think braces might be in her future!

Again--not cooperating!! I just love her in this strawberry outfit...actually, I just love her in EVERY outfit!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma/Brownies/Dr. Appt

If Delaney would wake up, I know this is what she would say. Delaney already knows that it's not polite to discuss a woman's age but wanted to tell her grandma Happy _ Birthday!!!!

So, for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to "see" if my pre-pregnancy jeans would fit this morning----NOT a good idea!! Perhaps this is why???? I love my brownie pan David's mom got me for my birthday. They come out already sliced. However, if "their" slices is what counts as one serving, I'm in big trouble!!!
Delaney's doctor appointment went great (well, after waiting for the doctor for 45 minutes that is). He thinks Delaney is perfectly fine and her hip is not out of socket. However, he is going to follow up with an ultrasound on May 17th.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Indy's Newest Colts Fan

We know it's not football season but the chances of these things fitting come football time are slim to none! David bought these booties for Delaney at Christmas and I remember vividly saying (when I saw how small they were) no daughter of mine is ever going to have feet small enough to fit in those! Fortunately, I was wrong and they are actually a little bit big. My cousin Cerelle bought Delaney the Colts hat (and one in pink too). Clearly, cousin Cerelle knows that a girl must have options!!
We still aren't allowed to leave the house (except for doctor appts) but we're just sure pretty soon dad will take us out!! We're still having lots of visitors come to the house and we love our visits! We haven't even been able to go for walks due to the high pollen count!!!!
Monday (tomorrow) is our appointment with the pediatric orthopedic physician. Our pediatrician recommended we see one and Delaney will have an ultrasound on her hip to make sure it's not out of socket. He is confident it's not and these are just precautionary measures. It's apparently standard to do this when a baby is born breech. We have an early appointment on the northside of Indianapolis at 8:15 a.m. I am so nervous about the long drive in the rush hour traffic that I asked David if we could just go tonight and get a hotel!!! Of course I got "the look" when I suggested it! ha ha ha Mom did her research to find the best pediatric ortho she could!! I told the pediatrician if we needed to fly to another country we would!! Luckily, he's quite confident an Indianapolis doctor will do just fine!! I"ll update everyone after our appointment.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Does anyone happen to have Octo mom's address?

David and I received the hospital bill and CLEARLY, they mistakenly sent us Octo mom's bill. I am calling them today to remind them we only had ONE baby!!! (ha ha ha)

But then again, I look at this picture and think there's no charge too high for this little girl!! Will she ever know how much we love her????

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Newborn Pictures

Seeing how the photographer took 729 photos, I thought I would just share a few of them!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

"My First Week on the Job"

Well, I am closing in on my first week at my new job (without dad's help). Although my new boss is substantially younger than more former one, don't let that fool you! She is quite demanding. The hours, well, they aren't the best and certainly aren't 8-5. The benefits (vacation/sick/personal days) don't exist! 401(k) NOPE don't have that either....but what I do have is this precious little girl who feeds my soul!

This is one of my favorite outfits great aunt Catherine got her (and not just because it references her mommy!) ha ha ha. When you're as big as Delaney, we have to wear her newborn outfits right away because we have no idea if they're going to fit next week!!!!
We don't have any plans this weekend (mostly because dad won't let us leave the house). However, this mom is treating herself to a pedicure since I can now see my feet!!! I had planned on getting one the weekend before I was suppose to have Delaney but we know how that went......

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

2 week check up

We went back to the pediatrician today for Delaney's 2 week check up. At this visit, she is suppose to be back to her birth weight (and in case you've forgotten, that was 9 lbs!)....well, our little "over achiever" weighed in at 9.4lbs and is now 21 and 1/4 inches tall (she was 20 inches at birth). She is in the 75th percentile in both categories!!!! She was a perfect little angel at the doctor's office!! We're getting a visit today from Julie and Jack and we can't wait for them to come over to see us.

Our photographer posted some of the pictures from yesterday on his blog. If you get a chance and want to take a sneek peak, check them out at
We can't wait to get back all of the others--there will be hundreds I'm sure seeing how we had over 4,000 wedding pictures! Oh, and remember that promise I made to David about using him just this once----I"m not sure I can keep it!! Just the few he posted on the blog are so good! ha ha ha

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Move Over Gerber Baby"

This is Delaney after her two hour photo session today. She was a natural in front of the camera (ha ha ha) but after it was over she was ready for some rest!! If you ask her dad what she's going to be when she grows up, he'll tell you a professional golfer and he's going to be her caddy. But if you ask her mom, I think she has a future in modeling! ha

Too bad the weather wasn't nice like yesterday so we could have taken some shots outside. Oh well, we got some great ones (should have them in a week) so I"ll be sure to post them when I get them.

I finally got to drive to the salon today! (I know, it's the little things with me). I "thought" I had $10 left on my gift card but when I went to check out, I had $90!! Can we say "bonus".....I didn't have to pay for anything today!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"On the Road Again, Just Can't Wait to get on the Road Again"

We're FREE!!!!! I went to the doctor today to have my stitches removed (and to do the walk of shame one last time)...I have 5 lbs of baby weight to lose. You would think this would have motivated me to have a healthy lunch--and I did, (salad and veggie sandwich) but seriously, wouldn't it be a crime to go to Traverse City Pie Company and NOT GET PIE?? I thought so too, glad we agree.

Anyway, the nurse said my scar looked great. Actually, her exact words were "it's the best one I"ve seen all day". I then reminded her that it was only 10:30 a.m.! Anyway, I am able to drive again (but had taken pain medication this morning so mom still had to drive us home). I have not driven a car since March 24th. I bet this is what it feels like to have a suspended license!!!

Although it's nice out today, it's a bit too windy to go for a walk so maybe Delaney and I will take a spin around the block just so I can drive (just kidding daddy)!! We're in for the day/night. Delaney slept for FIVE, count them FIVE straight hours last night. I think this girl is like her mamma and values her sleep!

Tomorrow is our big family/newborn photo shoot. Our wedding photographer is coming to the house. I PROMISED David it would "just be this once". He is strictly a wedding photographer but when I was pregnant, I convinced him (oooohhh those pregnancy hormones can do wonders) to do them!! I can't wait to see how they turn out. I have to get Delaney's outfits ready for her "first big shoot" tonight. I am treating myself to hair and make up tomorrow at a salon---I know what you're thinking but this girl barely gets her hair dry and remembers if she put on mascara now that this little girl is here so I have to get this right for our pictures! ha ha

And, since I know a blog is no fun to read without a you go.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

" A Girl and her Bunny"

Delaney's 1st Easter! Her "aunt" Debbie got her this bunny. We had a great Easter Sunday with family today. The weather was great and we got to be outside a bit.
David is not happy that a certain "someone" is sleeping through the Red Sox home opener tonight!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"We Survived"

The Beeson kids FINALLY got to meet Delaney today!!! Can we say "future babysitters"!!!!!

Since Delaney's umbilical cord fell off, she got to have her first "real" bath!! Which she had a #2 in and we had to start all over!

If you look closely, Delaney is holding up her right index finger. I think she's saying "hey, don't be looking at my fat rolls on my thighs, you'd have them too if you weighed as much as I do".

"Dear Pampers,
Just in case you're doing your quarterly projections, we wanted you to know that you are likely to see a DRASTIC increase in your profits. You can thank us later!"
The Newsom Family
(Delaney went through TWO diaper genie bags in her first week) The nurses at the hospital said she was an "over achiever" in the #2 department!!!!! In addition to that, she is a great burper. I keep saying the next door neighbors can hear her she burps so loud!

Daddy had to go back to work today, I wasn't sure how it was going to go with just me and Delaney but knew it was time to find out. While the Beesons were here visiting, Delaney had her first BLOW OUT---thank you Julie for taking care of that one!! Her #2 diapers sure don't look like they did last week when she first came home. Our next door neighbor finally got to come over to meet Delaney (she had been sick) so we had another fun day of visitors. I think daddy would be proud of us today everything seemed to go just fine.....we are looking forward to having family over for Easter--we're letting Bob Evans do the cooking this year!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What has Delaney been up to her First Week???

Our first walk
Can't wait to have lots more of these.

Delaney slept the entire time.

Her first bath!!!

We love to stare at this sweet face!

I wasn't allowed to take any "naked" pictures.

FINALLY---something that is "too big" for this little girl. Cousins, Shawn, Elaine, and Caleb got Delaney this hat for Christmas.

Delaney likes her swing---she looks so small in it. Finally, something that makes her look "small".

She sleeps in her Moses Basket.

(same picture)

Our drive home from the hospital.

(same picture)

Delaney is one week old....we've had a great week getting to know each other and bonding. Here's what she's been up to:

1. When we left the hospital, Delaney lost a pound. They don't like to see babies lose more than 10% of their birth weight. Delaney lost 11% (which meant she left weighing 8 lbs--so I don't think they were "too" concerned! ha ha).

2. We had our first pediatrician visit this morning (and was this mom excited to get out of the house). I realized we'd need to take her diaper bag so I packed it the night before (it looked like I packed for a week long trip v. a 45 minute doctor appt!!) Well, speaking of what Delaney's "up to"......she has gained a 1/2 lb. So she's back to 8.5 lbs. We go back next week so I'm sure by then our little girl will be back up to her birth weight because. SHE LOVES TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!! (Which means we change A LOT of poopy diapers).

3. Delaney wakes up on average twice a night. We aren't complaining about that!

4. We've had lots of visitors this week.
5. Her umbilical cord fell off today! We are ready for baths!
We can't wait to see what week two will bring!!!!!