School may be back in session but we're still doing a lot of this! Our pool will be open for two more months so we're trying to soak up every bit we can. We just got some new landscaping out back so here's to hoping we can keep it alive :-)
This girl and her babies....
"Pool hair, don't care".......
(those are mosquito bites on her arm, not bruises)
I mean there's really just nothing sweeter than this girl, there just isn't. I can't even tell her how much she means to me because there just aren't words.....
Not real sure why she looks so big here!
She swims, I do this..........(it's sooooo good--the tea and the book)!
So when we go to Target, I always stop to look at the ads.
I need to see the "big picture".
Apparently so does Delaney.
We went to Delaney's cousin, Braxon's birthday party and his mom is THE BEST at parties. It was an airplane theme and I kid you not she even had her daughter walking around with a tray of peanuts to pass around to the "passengers" #nowwhothinksofthat
And it's back to tailgating....
She really should have been home studying #oooops
And apparently coloring....
I love that she added the lady bug
#theymakmethinkofherdaddy #howdoesheknowtodothat
Oh, and have I mentioned this is happening (again).....
#pleaseprayforme #iamnotadancemom #onlyiam
"We" are settling into 2nd grade really well. "We" haven't hit the snooze button once, I've only done the jammy drop off once, and I hate to even jinx myself but Delaney hasn't caught any "back to school bugs/germs" that have kept her home. She normally misses a day the first week of school.
She got the teacher she wanted and we're off to an awesome start (well, other than she missed one on her social studies test and forgot to study for her religion test!). There is a drastic increase in homework in 2nd grade friends......
Speaking of tests, she had her first spelling test last week and didn't miss one. This girl is an awesome speller. Last year, she only missed one spelling word the entire year. She "we" were devastated and pretty sure the teacher made a mistake (ha ha) but now, we just "goke" about it :-)
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