Flowers kind of girl......
I am more of a "take me to dinner so I don't have to cook" kind of girl....
But not Delaney, she had Cupid confused for Santa. For days all I have heard is "I wonder what you'll get me for Valentines Day".
When she got home from school, one of us couldn't dig into her candy fast enough. Delaney just sat and watched me eat the candy she's not allowed to have #wastenotwantnot
(She also wanted to watch a scary movie when she got home from school #likemotherlikedaughter)
She has been saying for weeks she wanted Red Lobster for dinner (where she ordered mac n cheese)
Delaney wore her skirt with pink roses and leopard print and I REALLY wanted her to wear her leopard print scarf. Delaney insisted she wear her chevron scarf. And since she is her father's daughter and she wears what she wants, I insisted "waist up pictures".........
And that sums up our "hearts and flowers and no cooking" Day!!!
Ashley she is so adorable.. and so big. I know Dave would have been glowing with pride. I hope you are well. I keep a picture of Dave in my locker at the firehouse and saw it today and thought of you guys. I had no other way to contact you but I wanted to say hi and let you know I was thinking of him and you guys. Take care