When we left she asked if we had to come home and take showers but seeing how she spent the whole time on the ipad it appeared just one of us needed to!
I decided before we quarentined ourselves in the house all weekend with the a/c cranked up, I would enjoy a little reading time out back with a new book.
While Delaney hung out inside watching this....ever heard of it? ME NEITHER, I think it's a series from the UK. Delaney bought this On Demand yesterday and I got an email from Comcast thanking me for my (Delaney's) purchase. When I asked her about it she told me it said F-R-E-E and I told her no, it said T-E-N! Then I told her I was going to take $10 from her piggy bank but seeing how I had already taken money earlier from it (see yesterday's post), I decided I owed her, or, her piggy bank and I were even! Either way, the strawberry shortcake was worth the $7 and the calories.......We also got her ridiculous amount of flip flops organized
Delaney's allergies are in full swing and I took her to the doctor who took all of 60 seconds to tell me her ears and chest were clear and to keep giving her Allegra. He also referred to her as a toothless wonder which I thought was pretty funny but not $75 worth of funny.....so Delaney is inside watching movies (or maybe Doc Martin) and I am outside reading and we have no idea who's going to do the laundry.......guess we'll do that during our self-imposed quarantine.
She must have thought it was part of Doc McStuffin series.lol