This Blog post is not going to be about how NO WOMAN looks like this (or leaves) the hospital EIGHT hours after giving birth. Or, how her hair is perfect and absolutely won't be about how she's able to wear her wedding ring......
It's about how I REALLY wanted to name Delaney Charlotte (and call her Charli)
And how Dave "ran" that name past his grandma and she said that the kids would think she was a boy and she didn't like it.......then it was "sorry Charli" for me!!!
I'm convinced this baby picture is photo shopped, I mean who holds a newborn with one hand??
Now back to "my" Charli, she told me today that Emma won't be at school on Wednesday because her mommy is marrying her daddy!
Well, I remember when I was in the 6th grade and girls were starting to wear pants, my mother, David's gma, stood up at a meeting and said her daughter was not going to wear pants, her name was Catherine, not CHARLIE!! (she has something about that name)