Saturday, April 25, 2015

Carnival Time!!

At lunch the other day, Julie and I were having another one of our very important lunch discussions.....SCHOOL CARNIVALS and our aversion to them!  We just don't know why the schools have to tell the kids about them. (We also talked about the prom---her daughter's, not ours and how we were sitting next to our 4th grade teacher and we couldn't believe how grey is hair was and then decided that was probably from teaching kids all his life!! Then we vowed NEVER to get grey hair!). Delaney NEVER naps but for some reason she took a 2 hour nap and likely would have slept through the carnival. But I decided to wake her up and put on my "I can't wait to go face".  Then she asked me if I was wearing a skirt! I told her she'd be lucky if I came out of my yoga pants (I did)!!

As we pulled into the parking lot she said "this is the perfect school".  Then my guilt set in again about this being her last year there (I LOVE her school---minus the carnival of course!). I told her that her new school has a MUCH better in RIDES (and "carnival food"). She was SOLD (but I didn't tell her that we will be on vacation and will miss it).

She was most excited to do the cake walk---or in this case, the "cereal" walk.  She had one ticket left and WON!!

Introducing the breakfast of champions (she has never had any cereal except for Honey Nut Cheerios so you can imagine how excited she was!)

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