Thursday, August 21, 2014

This and That

We're still grilling out almost everyday...
Getting haircuts because grandma said she needed one...
And fancy hairstyles........
And our sand spikes we just need to add sand!!! And drinks!
Did I mention yet what a great summer we're having????? Delaney loves gymnastics and soccer is about to start (just as soon as a parent volunteers to coach!) School is going great especially the fire drill they had this week which was "so awesome"!! Even though they couldn't get the alarm to shut off for an hour and the kids had to go outside while the firetruck came. Delaney told me she didn't see Maverick (our dog) or her daddy! Oh this girl......I love how I knew about the fire drill before I even picked her up. Two people drove by and saw Delaney outside and immediately called to tell me!! YOU ARE MY PEOPLE! Delaney's teacher has a new assistant this year who tells her she loves her when she puts her in the car! I don't blame her, I don't know how you could know Delaney and not love her! 

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