Thursday, November 28, 2013

Two Down, One to Go

I was thinking back today to my "pregnant" Thanksgiving, the one where David's uncle was carving the turkey and handed us the wishbone as we walked in the door.  We pulled it apart and his uncle said "I bet I know what you each wished for".  What all soon to be parents wish for......... And lucky for us, she was perfectly healthy ALL 9 PLUS POUNDS OF HER.......

Thanksgiving isn't really "my" holiday but I sure did enjoy spending it with this girl.  Who, as expected, ate no "Thanksgiving food" (despite deciding this morning she "liked turkey now").  She did however eat dessert her uncle Mark insisted she could have! You know, since she didn't eat her dinner.  She is in FULL Christmas mode. The FIRST thing she said to me this morning was "Mom, take me to Toys R Us" (she has NEVER been).  The last thing she said....."When Does Santa Come"! It's gonna be a long month!!!! A lot of people are surprised to hear I don't Black Friday shop.  I haven't done it in thirty-"something" years so no need to start now and really, I just have one thing to say to the crazy people who do.........Have you not heard of Cyber Monday???????

Our Thanksgivings don't mimic any Hallmark movie, they are more like a 3 year old running around the house telling everyone to be quiet because her babies are sleeping, and playing Twister IN THE HALLWAY with her grandma and having an older cousin who would much rather play on the ipad but instead she played "hide the turkey" with her 3 year old cousin more times than you can count.  Our Thanksgiving looks like a 3 year old sitting around the table drinking out of a cup (and crying because she wants to do it one handed) because her mom can't seem to remember to bring a sippie cup!  And how a little 3 year old climbed up on her grandpa's lap and watched Sophia the First (for the 10th time) when he really wanted to watch Football......

It is so hard to wrap my mind around getting to be her mom!!! I could go on and on....but really, everything else is just icing on the cake!

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