Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ice Cream

Delaney and I found ourselves in the drive thru at DQ today. I must be the last person on earth to not know about their ice cream cupcakes which is a single serving ice cream cake! So of course we had to check them out! They were kid tested, Delaney approved!!! And, I learned two things: never to give her blue icing unless it's bath night and that letting your daughter listen to the Dixie Chicks' Earl Had To Die at full volume in the car certainly isn't going to win me mother of the year award!!! Oh well, there's always next year.....


  1. Ummmm, what?! You mean to tell me I could be having ice cream cake in a single serving??!!! I didn't know this either, but am glad you told me! :o)

  2. YES!! That is EXACTLY what I am telling you! ha ha ha
