Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Define Trespassing"

I have been on the hunt for an old barn to use as a background for pictures for Delaney.  I think it's safe to say I hit the jackpot!  There is just a slight hiccup, these barns are BOTH on private property and if you look closely at the red barn, that teeny tiny thing is a "no trespassing" sign.  So I'm just wondering, do you think people really mean it when they hang those?  And if they do, I was thinking, I bet we can make a run for it before the police arrive............

And if we don't, we'll already look good for our mug shots!

I'm pretty sure we're gonna chance it, I just can't pass up these barns, even if it means jail time!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bad Parenting???

Just curious.....

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Look Who Got to Skip her Nap Today

Here is Delaney at 6:00 today (p.m. of course). It was a no nap day! We had a birthday celebration so she got to skip her nap which is a rare thing in our house.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Empty Hangers.....

Does this mean we need to shop? I am thinking Delaney's wardrobe warrants FULL TIME PRESCHOOL!! Where else is she going to wear all those clothes? Oh who am I kidding, I couldn't possibly be away from my favorite person ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Decisions, Decisions............

I"m pretty sure Delaney "needs" this bathing suit...........
 However, I'm pretty sure it's hanging in close proximity to this one at the store and we all know what that means!!!!
They're coming to open our pool tomorrow and we couldn't be more excited!  And for those who know me, they have NEVER heard me say ANYTHING positive when it comes to our money pit pool.  If this summer is anything like last, we will be spending all dry days out back.  Oh gosh, I better pick out some more bathing suits for Delaney.............

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Duck Dynasty

Tonight is the finale and Delaney and I are not very 

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY about it..........

and you can take that to the bank, Jack!!!!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Excuses versus Reasons

Either way, Delaney can be very creative for why she gets out of bed at night.


Can you guess which one of us got a new set of wheels????
 Delaney woke up from her nap yesterday to a big surprise.  She LOVES surprises and when you tell her you have one for her she says "what kinda prize"......
I love picture #3, it's showing Delaney adjusting the radio.  Picture #4, adjusting her mirror, and picture #5, checking herself out in the mirror????  For some reason, Delaney calls her new Jeep a tractor.

I kept bribing telling her we would ride her Jeep this week and she would say "what Jeep" and then I would say "your tractor".  Bless her heart, my poor city girl doesn't know the difference!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Little Gymnast

So today when Delaney was suppose to be napping, I heard "mommy hurry to my room, I'm about to fall out of my bed". So I had to hit pause on the remote (I do absolutely nothing productive during nap time in case you didn't know) and went to see what she was up to. Picture a kid hanging upside down from the monkey bars!! I will admit, for a slight moment (or two) I considered asking Delaney if she could just hold on a minute longer so I could run and get my camera (a/k/a iphone) but then decided that's bad parenting (despite the fact she is the strongest kid I have ever known). So instead of seeing a picture of my Mary Lou, you get this fuzzy iphone picture instead. I think she scared herself into not doing it again.... If not, I guess I'll install carpet!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Never Wake A Sleeping Baby......

Or toddler (even if they decide to nap at 5:00)!!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I have never been so grateful for anything in my whole life..........

(I thought I'd better post early today since it's a well known fact we will lose power once the storm arrives!)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ice Cream

Delaney and I found ourselves in the drive thru at DQ today. I must be the last person on earth to not know about their ice cream cupcakes which is a single serving ice cream cake! So of course we had to check them out! They were kid tested, Delaney approved!!! And, I learned two things: never to give her blue icing unless it's bath night and that letting your daughter listen to the Dixie Chicks' Earl Had To Die at full volume in the car certainly isn't going to win me mother of the year award!!! Oh well, there's always next year.....

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What a Great Day!!

After spending the day outside, and getting an extra long bath, Delaney was out at 6:00!!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

She Got In!!!!

I remember how exciting it was when I got my college acceptance letter. But I must say, I was one proud and excited momma today when Delaney's acceptance letter to Pre-K3 came!!! I know, not quite the same but give this mom her moment!!!

When I text aunt Karey to tell her, she replied just as I expected..."when do we get to go school clothes shopping"? And, I replied just as you might have expected "I was thinking the same thing, I am going to need lots of new yoga pants for drop offs and pick ups"!!! I mean I can't drop her off in pajamas.....or can I???????

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Potty Like A Rock Star

As you can see from our oversized sunglasses as big as our heads, after a week, Delaney left the house! Stay tuned for a full report on how she's doing. But I will tell you my daughter rocks my world and absolutely NEVER ceases to amaze me! I will never deserve her!!!! We still have family in town but I wanted to at least let you know we have both survived potty training boot camp!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Delaney couldn't wait for her cousin, baby Logan, to come to town! These two monkeys are headed to the zoo tomorrow where Delaney wants to ride a zebra!! That seems like a pretty tall request but I'll see if I can make it happen!!!! It will also be the first time Delaney has left the house in over a week since potty training started. As you can see, she still isn't wearing pants so when everyone came over, we welcomed them to potty training boot camp and told them pants were optional! They chose to keep their's on. Potty training isn't going as well as I hoped but then again, I am a mom with ridiculously high expectations!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013


After Delaney's application (yes folks, I said preschool application) sat around for months, I decided it was time to make a decision (not to mention write a check for four times a college application fee-I better see a major return on my investment Delaney-- even if it is just 7 hours a week)!!!!! Her application asked if she was bilingual.....by no means could I check yes but I did wonder if counting in Spanish counts. I mean Delaney doesn't watch Dora for nothing!!! I sure hope Delaney gets accepted and I'm pretty sure as long as the check clears, she will!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Potty Training-Day Three

I will do a more detailed blog post later for those of you not calling, texting, and emailing daily (or hourly) for updates. Just wanted to let you know Delaney continues to blow me away with how well she is doing! Has not wet her "good girl bed" once!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Potty Training--Day Two

Woke up dry this morning!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Potty Training- Day One

Why does she never cease to amaze me?? Woke up dry after her three hour nap! WE GOT THIS!!!