Thursday, February 28, 2013

Big Girl Bed...........

I know Delaney's grandmas won't appreciate seeing a picture of her crying but YES grandmas, sometimes I do let Delaney cry!!!  (She apparently wasn't ready "to go night night")......But I WAS READY to get my picture of her in her last night in her crib.

As scheduled, her bed arrived today (right smack at nap time I might add) and it was GAME ON!! This was really happening......

And since Delaney didn't get her nap, here she is on the way home from dance.  She wanted something to read so I threw her my Ballard Designs catalog---guess she wasn't interested.....

I am preparing myself for a long night of Delaney getting out of bed.  The good thing is, she can climb up in her bed by herself so when I yell tell her to go back to bed, I won't have to get up off the sofa!

I can remember like it was yesterday the day her daddy put together her crib.  I may or may not have made sure I wasn't home (I've heard horror stories).  I came home and David got the next door neighbor to help him carry in all of her furniture that had been delivered.  He had the bed set up and was going on and on about how it was "missing parts" and the instructions weren't in English!

Second story.....the night I delivered Delaney, the doctor who was on call was telling us (in the operating room no less) that when she got paged, she had just laid down with her little girl in her new big girl bed that had been delivered that day.  I felt AWFUL about interrupting that moment and apologized profusely.  When she came to my room the next day, I was STILL APOLOGIZING.  She said when she got home (around 4:00 a.m.) her daughter was fast asleep and it was no big deal.  I am quite sure (albeit almost THREE years ago), I felt in that moment that that scenario was a long way off for us....AND HERE WE ARE!  So tonight, when you go to bed, please PRAY that Delaney does well because I have NO PROBLEM putting her crib back in her room!!!!! Stay tuned...............

1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for and checking your blog all day to see what was going on. She'll do great!!! I always tell my friends that Caleb did great....and I only say that because it must not have been all that bad if I can't remember it being a big ordeal:o) (Oh and I was one of those moms that put the child lock on the inside so he couldn't get out. - I got reprimanded for that by some people, but oh well - but when he tried to get out and couldn't, he would get mad, but he figured out quickly to just go back to bed or play...which he did often). We had a few nights of him wanted to get up and play at 2am, but only a few! Wishing you luck!!!
