Thursday, February 28, 2013

Big Girl Bed...........

I know Delaney's grandmas won't appreciate seeing a picture of her crying but YES grandmas, sometimes I do let Delaney cry!!!  (She apparently wasn't ready "to go night night")......But I WAS READY to get my picture of her in her last night in her crib.

As scheduled, her bed arrived today (right smack at nap time I might add) and it was GAME ON!! This was really happening......

And since Delaney didn't get her nap, here she is on the way home from dance.  She wanted something to read so I threw her my Ballard Designs catalog---guess she wasn't interested.....

I am preparing myself for a long night of Delaney getting out of bed.  The good thing is, she can climb up in her bed by herself so when I yell tell her to go back to bed, I won't have to get up off the sofa!

I can remember like it was yesterday the day her daddy put together her crib.  I may or may not have made sure I wasn't home (I've heard horror stories).  I came home and David got the next door neighbor to help him carry in all of her furniture that had been delivered.  He had the bed set up and was going on and on about how it was "missing parts" and the instructions weren't in English!

Second story.....the night I delivered Delaney, the doctor who was on call was telling us (in the operating room no less) that when she got paged, she had just laid down with her little girl in her new big girl bed that had been delivered that day.  I felt AWFUL about interrupting that moment and apologized profusely.  When she came to my room the next day, I was STILL APOLOGIZING.  She said when she got home (around 4:00 a.m.) her daughter was fast asleep and it was no big deal.  I am quite sure (albeit almost THREE years ago), I felt in that moment that that scenario was a long way off for us....AND HERE WE ARE!  So tonight, when you go to bed, please PRAY that Delaney does well because I have NO PROBLEM putting her crib back in her room!!!!! Stay tuned...............

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Happy, Happy, Happy"

In the words of Phil Robertson, Delaney and I are so "Happy, Happy, Happy" the quack pack comes back on tonight!  I am sure CPS (and her father) would disagree on the appropriateness of this show for Delaney but it's not like I let her watch The Walking Dead (well, not anymore). My friend got me hooked on The Walking Dead.  As if I needed another show to watch!

Check back tomorrow, Delaney has a big delivery coming!  
I'll be going out tonight to stock up on Kleenex!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cue The Waterworks!!

I sure hope Delaney sleeps as well in this........

 As she does this.......

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Delaney's Funnies

As I said before, Delaney's future is not going to be in the fashion world.  Although I do wish she were a little more fashion forward, I just don't see it happening....I can say this about my child because well, just look at her!  How am I ever going to take this girl to the fashion capital of the world??????????

But I do think she may have a future in comedy.  This girl is without a doubt, the funniest person I know!  Here are just a few of the things she's said lately:

  • When I think she's up to something, I will say "Delaney, what are you doing" and she always replies "Nothing Mommy".  But the other night the conversation went like this "Delaney" and she replied "Nothing Mommy"..............
  • The other day she put on her backpack and said "Bye mommy, I'm going to school, see you later alligator"............Oh, and speaking of school, I think it's really going to happen.  I thought I found a reason NOT to send her (security measures of course) but it looks like that "issue" is being rectified!  I have mixed emotions about it. I mean how much can Delaney learn being away from her mommy for SEVEN hours a week?!?!?! (You didn't think she was going full time did you)??? If so, YOU'RE AT THE WRONG BLOG!!
  • I was using a heating pad the other day and Delaney said "mommy lie down it will make you feel better"............
  • She has started saying "oopsie daisey"
  • She climbed in her bed (that's a whole other post) and said "don't let the bed bugs bite" which I NEVER say---I am scared to death of bed bugs!!
  • She has become little miss independent these days and wants to do everything herself and will say "I want to do it all by myself" and then the other night she wanted to turn on the light that she couldn't reach so she went to grab something she's not suppose to to stand on and said "I like to do things all by myself"......
  • The other day she called me Ashley---on second thought, why did I include this on this list, it was ANYTHING but funny!
  • She hurt her head on the ottoman and cried great big crocodile tears and said "I need to go night night my crib will make me feel better"  Is this girl my daughter or what!  There is no lack of sleep around our house! And, I would have let her had it not been 6:30!!! 
  • Every morning when she wakes up she says "who's coming over" and "what me gonna watch"....

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Fashion Industry

I think it's safe to say that Delaney's future is not likely in the fashion industry.........
I guess sometimes THREE tutus is necessary!

Friday, February 15, 2013

iphone picture "dump"............

Drinking her bath water.......

Packed up and ready to go.............

Reading Dora while wearing her sunglasses.........

Delaney is going to be hanging out with her grandma tonight while mom gets to go to Oceanaire.  Speaking of, I just discovered this week Delaney likes shrimp!  So we have officially added a new food group to the standing "chicken fingers and french fries" food group.  

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day or Christmas?

Delaney woke up to heart shaped (well, sort of) cinnamon rolls.  Thank you Pinterest! She had deliveries waiting for her on the front porch too!
 And then we were treated to lunch.....I've decided that Valentine's Day is the only day of the year where it is "fashionably" acceptable to wear pink and red!  Delaney is obsessed with backpacks and yes, she is wearing both of them....I won't even tell you how fun it is to make her take them off so she can sit in her car seat!  
 We also had dance.  I know it's probably not very nice to post a picture of a crying little girl but I couldn't resist.  She cried because I didn't know she wanted her baby in the picture.  The second picture is her trying to smile but still crying although I don't know why because you can clearly see she got her way!  And what she is wearing isn't even remotely close to what I sat out for her to wear. And yes, she wore her rain boots to dance!  I pick my battles people!!!!
 And while we were gone, more deliveries were left on the front porch...........
 I am convinced we go to dance for the suckers........

"I will give you my heart until the end of time.  You're all I need, my love, my Valentine......"

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Birthday/Happy Mother's Day

The other night Delaney gave me one of her famous bear hugs and said "Happy Birthday Mommy".  I quickly informed her that it was not my birthday yet and then she said "Happy Mother's Day Mommy" and well, who could correct that!!!

I asked Delaney what she wanted for her birthday and she said "a new bed".  Well Delaney, I"m way ahead of you, just as soon as PBK brings back the Fulton bed!! My daughter may be the only child who never comes out of her crib.......I am not sure why they insisted on discontinuing the one bed I like!!!  I have called them, I have begged them, perhaps even harassed them to bring back the Fulton!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of birthdays, Delaney's will be here before I know it.  I have been holding items in my cart for a few days just to make sure she wants the theme she keeps telling me and I'm afraid, I think she does..........I am NOT a "character" mom AT ALL but apparently, her 3rd birthday party isn't about me..................

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thank You!!!!

Someone once told me a true gift is an anonymous gift and until was!
This Fire Department CONTINUES to amaze me!

THANK YOU IFD!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Not sure when my non meat eater started liking bacon...make that Bob Evans' bacon!!! After I ordered her meal, I looked at Delaney and said "I will give you $100 if you eat your bacon"!!! Her piggy bank is now the proud owner of an IOU!!!!