- Delaney is still obsessed with her baby dolls and mainly plays with two. "Little Baby" and "Big Baby". Big Baby is about 2 inches taller than Little Baby. Her babies go everywhere with us. She always wants to take them to dance class. People always stop and ask her her babies' names and she tells them Little Baby and Big Baby. She sounds like a little hillbilly when she says "mommy, where my little baby go"???? (She leaves out the word "did").
- I asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her and she said big toys. I told her we didn't have room for big toys so she needed to ask for little toys. So now when anyone asks her what she wants for Christmas she says little toys. And then of course just as soon as Santa was done shopping she decided she wants a dinosaur!
- She points to every single toy she sees on the commercials (despite if it's for a boy or girl or age appropriate) and says she wants it. THANK YOU TOY MANUFACTURERS FOR SHOWING TOY COMMERCIALS DURING THE DAY!!!
- Despite the fact we haven't celebrated Christmas, Delaney is already talking about her birthday (March 25). She wants an orange party with an orange cake. She is obsessed with the color orange. When I go to the grocery (she rarely goes) I always ask her want she wants and she recently told me to get her orange milk! When I told her last week I was going to the hair salon she asked if I was going to get orange hair!
- Whenever I want her to come to me or do something, I get "in a minute", "I'm busy", or the old faithful "NO".
- She is a girly girl who loves Thomas the Train, Caillou and Bob the Builder. She is obsessed with airplanes and trains.
- When she sees Christmas lights up at a house she calls it a "Christmas House".
- When I tell her it's time to do something she says "5 more minutes" or "ok mommy".
- The only Christmas song she knows is Jingle Bells and those are the only two words of the song she knows!
- She constantly walks around wearing a backpack telling me she has to go to school. The other day she opened the front door (didn't know she could do that) and said "bye mommy, I gotta go to school".
- Speaking of school, Delaney's application (yes, I said application) came for her to go to "playschool" as she calls it! I have until March 1st to enroll her. That is once I have gone for a tour and checked all of their security measures--forget their learning environment! Delaney asked me if I could go to playschool with her and I told her mommy can't go and she told me I could just stay at "her" house. She thinks our house (and car) are her's!
- I can't believe I just typed the paragraph above! How can my newborn be old enough for playschool?
- I think I will forever call it playschool now.
- There is a large nursing home near us that we often drive by and every single time Delaney asks me if that's her school.
- And just if you're wondering, Delaney WILL BE going in the afternoon, you know by now we're not morning people (although Delaney's new wake up time is 8:30 a.m. and I am hoping it's "just a phase)!
- Delaney went "through a phase" of only wearing nightgowns. She would not come out of them which meant we could not leave the house. She only has 2! The washer was on overdrive! The first time she wore one I was so worried she would take off her diaper in her sleep. She didn't.
- But now, she does. She has turned into a nudist! She typically wears the one piece footed pajamas (my favorite are the stretchies from The Children's Place) and about 90% of the time, I go get her in the morning and she is COMPLETELY NAKED! Diaper and all. I'd show you but we all know it's not appropriate to put naked pictures of your kid on the world wide web....so here's what I can show you (and yes, that's Big Baby and Little Baby)....
- And if you're wondering, Delaney, her diaper, and her sheets are completely DRY! I know, I know, but I"m not ready!!!!!! If she is potty trained, THEN WHAT WILL SHE NEED HER MOMMY FOR?????????????????????????????
- If I am talking on the phone while she is watching tv, she tells me to "hush", it's cute though--well, sort of..........
- I always tell Delaney "have good night night" when I put her down and she has started replying "no, I have sweet dreams"
- If you ask Delaney if she liked something she will say "uh huh, it was great" including her sleep!
- Speaking of sleep, she has been getting up earlier but taking later naps. I have to have her down by 2:00 or it's a done deal. Sometimes she sleeps until 5:30...we may have to quit dance because it's at 5:00 and I AIN'T WAKING A SLEEPING BABY!
- When we are at a stop light she tells me red means stop and green means go (I should probably thank Caillou for this).
- She cried recently watching Toy Story 3 (which she has seen 100 times)...I took her picture, it was too cute not to...
- When she wants to sit something somewhere she says "I sit it right here, that be ok" (it's usually not but who could resist that???)
- Out of nowhere, Delaney has now started calling her grandparents "grandma" and "grandpa"..no more, mammaw and pappaw!
- Delaney has been having a lot of surprises this holiday season and when I tell her she has one she says "what kind of prize"?
- When she REALLY wants something she says "please, please, please" really fast and it sounds like "pretty pretty please"...but it's not, well, maybe it is....................
- Delaney does not like to see anyone cry and anytime she sees it (mainly on tv) she says "him/her needs their mommy".
- If she falls or hits her head she gets right up and tells me "I'm ok".
- When she reads her books, every single one starts out "Once Upon A Time there was a little girl named Delaney".........
- She says everything is Silly! I told her she was funny and she said "I know, I"m silly too".
- She is still obsessed with Florid and every time she sees a plane she asks if it's headed to Fl...pretty sure we are going back SOON!!!
- When you sneeze she tells you "excuse you"
- And my favorite is when I tell Delaney I love her more than anything she replies "no, I love lou more thing any"...................
Sunday, December 16, 2012
"That's such a fun age"
I have heard people say this to me so many times and literally, just today at the hair salon someone asked me how old Delaney is and then said it. I just give people the strangest look because EVERY single age has been fun! I think I literally gave birth to the happiest child on earth. OF COURSE she has her moments but Delaney is the most entertaining little girl I have ever known. She is always laughing and joking and trying to entertain people. She has been saying the funniest things ever so I have a running list going and thought I better go ahead and start blogging them. This is more for my record keeping but also for your enjoyment......I know I"ve said it before but I hope if you follow our blog you know Delaney personally. If not, hopefully you get a sense of what a happy little child she is through our blog.
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