- Let's start with the fact I am not as "irrational" as I claim to be. Delaney's orthopedic physician called back (uh, you knew I'd call right???) and after waiting for the 48 hours I was told that her pediatrician is who needs to exam her and make a referral for physical therapy. PHYSICAL THERAPY PEOPLE!!! And she just so happens to have her 2 year check up later this month so we'll be putting that on the top of our list (yes, I still take a list to her appointments of questions). Apparently, she has had her 2 year appointment on the calendar for awhile---I just didn't have it on mine!
- The other day after I laid Delaney down for her nap I walked out of her room and went into the kitchen and heard her saying "on on". I forgot to turn on the monitor in her room and she was pointing at it. The girl knows our routine! (Did I already blog about this? I am having De Ja Vu)
- I took the trash out the other day and when I walked back into the kitchen Delaney was in the cabinet under the sink (ooops, forgot to attach the child lock) and I said "Delaney no no, get out of there" and then I noticed she was getting out a new trash bag! She tried to open it but when she couldn't she threw it in the trash can!
- She said her first "bad word" last night. I won't repeat it because "we don't talk like that" but it starts with a "c" and ends with a "p" (some would consider this a bad word). Guess it's time to start putting a penny in her piggy bank for every "bad" word she "hears"..........Aunt Ang---you owe Delaney a penny! HAHA
- Delaney's birthday is this month and I am waaaay behind in getting her invitations out. Probably because I think I have to make them and put all of this pressure on myself to be creative WHEN I DON'T HAVE A CREATIVE BONE IN MY BODY!!!!
- Speaking of birthdays, did you know today is the 100th anniversary of Oreo? And did you know some creative genius developed the "Birthday Oreo"? And did you know they are TO DIE FOR?????
- It seems like each day I put Delaney in something it all of a sudden doesn't fit her. Delaney pretty much lives in leggings. She doesn't even own a pair of jeans! But I secretly want to buy her a pair of True Religion jeans!
- Delaney has been texting people on my phone. She doesn't have much to say to them though!
- Delaney just hugged her baby, told me it was "broke" --well yes Delaney, that's because mommy removed the batteries--and then told her "love lou"....she is so darn sweet!
- Last night at midnight, I was in the living room and I heard my alarm clock going off! Had Delaney not been sleeping I would have asked her if she knew why that was happening. She loves to go in my room. Guess I"ll keep the door shut again.........
- Have you ever had your car die IN THE CAR WASH??? Really? Just me huh? I don't know why these strange things happen to me but I thought it was taking entirely too long for my car to go through and that may or may not have been because I lost track of time while texting Angie in the waiting area so I got up and discovered this is what they were doing! Oooops, my bad--it had already gone through! Then I was told "you may need a jump, your car died in the car wash, they had to push it out"....REALLY???? I think it's a bit odd their first thought was to dry it and NOT come get me but whatev's......And yes, it needed jumped right there at the car wash! AND YES, everyone was staring. I hope it's not because they recognized me from awhile back when I may or may not have "accidentally" started to drive way WITH ONE OF THE WORKERS STILL IN MY CAR!!! We didn't speak the same language but it's pretty universal when a lady comes out of nowhere in the very back of your car and screams!!!! Ooops, My Bad (again)!!! I probably need to find a new car wash........
Well Delaney is ready for lunch now (darn where is the cook, she must be out to lunch with the maid) so I must go now! Hopefully, we'll be back later this week with some more exciting things to blog about--if not, I'll just post pictures of Delaney. You'll be ok with that right???
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