Friday, March 30, 2012

Picnic Table

As scheduled, Delaney's picnic table arrived this morning.......
 And Delaney approves...........
If you're in the market, I got this at for a GREAT price and even Greater, FREE shipping!  (Two of my favorite things)!!!!!

"She's an American Girl"...............

Can you guess what Delaney got for her birthday???? Her grandma wanted to buy her an American Girl last year for her birthday but I was able to hold her off for a year!  And now comes my sad announcement........I am going to be returning to work!!!!  It's been fun staying home with Delaney these last two years but the time has come for me to return to work BECAUSE HAVE YOU EVER SEEN HOW CUTE THIS AMERICAN GIRL STUFF IS????????  

Delaney got into the diaper bag and got out her own diapers and tried to put it on her Bitty Baby! As her aunt Beth would say "so precious" but then again aunt Beth thinks everything about Delaney is "so precious"...I tend to agree!

I know you are all patiently waiting for the birthday blog post and I guess subconsciously I am avoiding it because then it's there, on the world wide web that my baby is two!  I promise, it's in the works!!!  I blame my lack of blogging lately on this gorgeous weather, we have been on the go nonstop or enjoying the outdoors!!  Delaney has a new picnic table being delivered tomorrow (or today seeing how it's 1:00 a.m.) so we are excited for the UPS "woman" to deliver it (but not too early)!

P.S. For those of you still wondering----big fat NO, I am NOT returning to work!!! As my former boss once put it "there ain't no amount of money I could pay her to take her away from that baby"!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two Year Check Up

Delaney had her check up today with Dr. K. She was climbing the walls waiting on the doctor (literally)! She weighs 26 and 1/2 lbs and is 35 inches tall.  I was shocked she only weighed that much because when she stepped on the scales at home it said 29 lbs which means I AM 3 LBS LESS THAN I THOUGHT!!!! I never pay attention to the percentiles but in short....."Delaney's short".  Really, I could have told you that!  Of course she gets this from her mom.  We can switch her from whole milk if we want and the doctor assured me that her walking on her tip toes is normal and he flexed her feet and said there was nothing to worry about! He said "she doesn't suck her thumb does she?" (in a thinking that she didn't way) and I told him to just look at her red, dry, cracked thumb!!! He said "oh ok because she has an overbite" and then he told me to "get a good dentist" ha ha ha. Braces are in her future!  As far as the thumb sucking goes he had NO ADVICE!! ha ha ha (I wasn't asking for any I think it's the cutest thing ever when she sucks her thumb!)
Here she is on the way home.  She took an early nap today so as I type, I am just waiting for her to wake up any second!  I told her we should have been listening to Johnny Cash since she's dressed in all black (she has her Elmo shirt on too)...........

Monday, March 26, 2012

Just About............

The only thing the same in these pictures is 
 the blanket!!!
Here is Delaney on the floor watching Sesame Street.  She looked up at me and asked for her milk and after I handed it to her she said "thank you" and right then and there my heart melted...........

I know you're anxious to see her birthday pictures and I promise, I will get them up this week.  It was such a "sweet" day for such a "sweet" girl.  Can you guess what the theme was?????

Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Two" Sweet Sneak Peek

"TWO" Sweet PART I

Here are Delaney's Two Year pictures!

This is the one I used for her invitations

At two, one of her favorite things is her baby.

I love how this one shows her personality.

More personality.............

Repeat above.............

We went to mommy's Alma Mater....(nice and close to home just perfect for Delaney)!

Then it started raining so on the rain boots went! She loves these boots with the cows on them.

I realize this isn't her best hair day but I still love this picture!

Darn wind blew her birthday balloon!

More personality................

Delaney loves to "wing"..............

And such a climber too!

And she loves to jump!

"D" is for Delaney!!!!

(All pictures courtesy of aunt Karey!)

"Two" Sweet Part II

We had lots of sweets at Delaney's party.  Since her birthday was on a Sunday, we had a "Sunday" Bar to go along with her Sweet Shoppe Party......

And Firehouse Subs.  It took me ONE birthday to realize, I can't do it all and that includes the cooking!!!!
 And presents (Delaney is kissing her new Bitty Baby--not giving her mouth to mouth)!

 Cupcakes, Cake Pops, and Cookies............
 And gorgeous weather (what I'll always remember most about her 2nd birthday, getting to have it outside!)

And now here's to a very long list of what life is looking like around here at two:
  • Delaney calls flip flops "lip lops"
  • Instead of please, it's "peas"
  • She refuses to eat meat
  • She calls her swing a swing and her slide a lide
  • She likes to put the key in the door to let the dog outside
  • She does NOT like to see anyone cry
  • She will put her hands on her hips and say "hmmmm" and sometimes she'll say it with her index finger on her chin
  • She calls hiccups "hip cup"
  • When someone sneezes she says "ha choo" instead of bless you
  • She calls helicopters "hepacoppers"
  • She loves to throw stuff in the trash can
  • She always says "whoa and oh no"
  • She tells everyone hi and bye REPEATEDLY
  • She has an incredible memory and knows when something is out of place
  • If something is lost, I just ask her
  • She loves airplanes
  • When she is finished with her sippy cup she throws it in the sink
  • She likes corn on the cob and french fries
  • When she wants you to pick her up she says "hold you"
  • She loves to dress herself

Friday, March 23, 2012

"Lop Lops"

Delaney has been enjoying the warm weather and wearing mom's "lop lops".  I can sit here and type about all sorts of things we've been doing this week and what Delaney's been up to but none of that changes the fact that the next time I blog this little sweet thing will be 2 years old!!!! (I just realized how skinny Delaney's legs are in this picture! I promise under that jean skirt are two of the cutest, chubbiest little thighs you've ever pressed your lips upon!!)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Is In The Air

And by that we mean today is the first day of Spring and our AIR IS ON!!!
Delaney and I have been soaking up the sun like you wouldn't believe.  I keep forgetting (as in since January) that our local library added Tuesdays for story time so we can go on Tuesdays or Thursdays.  I decided we would go today since we had missed the last couple of Thursdays.  Just as I took two steps in the room I noticed the sign that said "Miss Mary is sick today but feel free to come on in and play with the other kids".  I of course translated this to ".....feel free to come in and swap germs with the other kids".  But, I couldn't be "that mom" and walk out that would be rude!  So, we stayed (but only until the first mom got up and left).  Then I decided it was too nice outside to go home so we went to McDonald's.  Here is Delaney eating her french fries.  I felt like I should have left a tip on our table because the guy taking my order must have seen me struggling with holding my handbag (yes, I call purses handbags), Delaney and my cup.  We walked over so I could get my drink and when we came back he said "I already put your tray at your table and a high chair".  Man I really need to start carrying cash!! Delaney told every single person "bye" including the police officer who sat down next to our table.  He got a run and I don't think got to eat that first bite of his lunch!  Clearly, I could not be a police officer because I cannot miss a meal!

Monday, March 19, 2012

"She's One"

First of all, I had no idea it had been so long since we blogged. We are so sorry!  I have been taking pictures left and right on my phone so it's not like I haven't had "content"!  Anyway, the other day a lady asked me how old Delaney is and I said ONE!  I mean if we want to get "technical" about it "AND WE DO" she is after all...


(That is until Sunday at 1:39 a.m. but who's counting.......)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Luck O' The Irish...

Delaney put on her "Grandma's Lucky Charm" shirt and got ready to go to the St. Patrick's Day Parade.  This parade always seems to interfere with nap time so I really need to talk to the City about moving it up!!! I can't believe how old Delaney looks in this picture with the ponytail, jean skirt and tennis shoes!!

She really enjoyed the parade.....
and the spectators really enjoyed watching her.....
I don't blame them........
notice the ponytail didn't last long..........
we left the parade early again this year and went to lunch (for mexican!) and then headed home so Delaney could.............
For St. Patrick's Day Delaney's aunt Beth watched her.  But by the look of everything I packed, you'd think it was for the weekend!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Does this little girl look like she's old enough to be emancipated???
Look AGAIN???

Ya, I didn't think so either!
So WHY she thinks it's ok to go "poopy" in the toilet is beyond me!!!
I mean if I let her do this what in the world is she going to need her mommy for??????

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Getting her to turn around is NOT an easy task!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Birthday Cake

I went to the bakery today to order Delaney's cake.  Here's what we decided on. What do you think? Is it too much???? HA HA HA

Ok so that may not be the cake I ordered but how cute is that????

And speaking of birthdays, do you think Delaney is too young for an iphone?  I mean she is a "mature" almost two year old.  I was thinking how much fun it would be for us to FaceTime with each other when we aren't together.  Oh wait, we are ALWAYS together.......

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sorry, again........

We're here, we really are.  We've just been at home, watching Elmo, waiting for the maid to show up (she never does) and just "hanging out".  It's been W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L.  But after a quick text to aunt "Ju Ju" we decided three days at home in a row is about all we can take so we'll be meeting her for lunch tomorrow and then we have some errands to run.  I TRY to save my errands all for one day---not because of the sky rocketing gas prices---because I have an almost 2 year old and getting her in and out of that car seat is enough to cause you to lose what's left of your mind!  There are some things people just don't tell you about parenthood and how annoying it can be to run errands with a baby is one of them!  Can we pause for a moment of silence to admire how the heck Kate Gosselin does this??????  Ok, we're back for our regularly scheduled program of "Tuesday Tidbits" (since we have nothing of substance to blog about today).  I thought if I didn't post "something" you would get worried about us and start emailing us to make sure we're ok---you do that sometimes you know?  So I'll just select 1 of the 13 Sesame Street episodes we have currently in our DVR and let Elmo keep Delaney company (it's our 3rd one so far today and it's 11:30 a.m) and keep typing away. She is currently riding on her motorcycle and putting on her tennis shoes---on the correct feet this proud mom might add!  So here are some random funny things I have been meaning to post about Delaney....
  • Let's start with the fact I am not as "irrational" as I claim to be.  Delaney's orthopedic physician called back (uh, you knew I'd call right???) and after waiting for the 48 hours I was told that her pediatrician is who needs to exam her and make a referral for physical therapy.  PHYSICAL THERAPY PEOPLE!!! And she just so happens to have her 2 year check up later this month so we'll be putting that on the top of our list (yes, I still take a list to her appointments of questions).  Apparently, she has had her 2 year appointment on the calendar for awhile---I just didn't have it on mine!
  • The other day after I laid Delaney down for her nap I walked out of her room and went into the kitchen and heard her saying "on on".  I forgot to turn on the monitor in her room and she was pointing at it.  The girl knows our routine!  (Did I already blog about this?  I am having De Ja Vu)
  • I took the trash out the other day and when I walked back into the kitchen Delaney was in the cabinet under the sink (ooops, forgot to attach the child lock) and I said "Delaney no no, get out of there" and then I noticed she was getting out a new trash bag!  She tried to open it but when she couldn't she threw it in the trash can!
  • She said her first "bad word" last night.  I won't repeat it because "we don't talk like that" but it starts with a "c" and ends with a "p" (some would consider this a bad word).  Guess it's time to start putting a penny in her piggy bank for every "bad" word she "hears"..........Aunt Ang---you owe Delaney a penny! HAHA
  • Delaney's birthday is this month and I am waaaay behind in getting her invitations out.  Probably because I think I have to make them and put all of this pressure on myself to be creative WHEN I DON'T HAVE A CREATIVE BONE IN MY BODY!!!!
  • Speaking of birthdays, did you know today is the 100th anniversary of Oreo?  And did you know some creative genius developed the "Birthday Oreo"?  And did you know they are TO DIE FOR?????
  • It seems like each day I put Delaney in something it all of a sudden doesn't fit her. Delaney pretty much lives in leggings.  She doesn't even own a pair of jeans!  But I secretly want to buy her a pair of True Religion jeans!
  • Delaney has been texting people on my phone.  She doesn't have much to say to them though!
  • Delaney just hugged her baby, told me it was "broke" --well yes Delaney, that's because mommy removed the batteries--and then told her "love lou"....she is so darn sweet!
  • Last night at midnight, I was in the living room and I heard my alarm clock going off!  Had Delaney not been sleeping I would have asked her if she knew why that was happening.  She loves to go in my room.  Guess I"ll keep the door shut again.........
  • Have you ever had your car die IN THE CAR WASH???  Really? Just me huh?  I don't know why these strange things happen to me but I thought it was taking entirely too long for my car to go through and that may or may not have been because I lost track of time while texting Angie in the waiting area so I got up and discovered this is what they were doing! Oooops, my bad--it had already gone through!  Then I was told "you may need a jump, your car died in the car wash, they had to push it out"....REALLY???? I think it's a bit odd their first thought was to dry it and NOT come get me but whatev's......And yes, it needed jumped right there at the car wash! AND YES, everyone was staring.  I hope it's not because they recognized me from awhile back when I may or may not have "accidentally" started to drive way WITH ONE OF THE WORKERS STILL IN MY CAR!!!  We didn't speak the same language but it's pretty universal when a lady comes out of nowhere in the very back of your car and screams!!!!  Ooops, My Bad (again)!!!  I probably need to find a new car wash........
 I have been cleaning out the pictures in my phone and realized I never blogged this past Fall about our 2 hour trip to Ohio to Ikea.  Delaney and I and her two grandmas waited until nap time (thinking she would nap on the drive there---that's what you get for thinking)....and as soon as we got there she did this! I had to take a picture because I never get to see Delaney sleeping (I always put her down for her naps and bedtime awake--TOUGH LOVE PEOPLE TOUGH LOVE).  Oh and as for what we bought at Ikea---wooden spoons ($.48)!! Per PINTEREST you put them over your pot of water and it won't boil over.  I do this every time and it works.  Well, only on large pots, if you use small ones it does boil over!
Well Delaney is ready for lunch now (darn where is the cook, she must be out to lunch with the maid) so I must go now!  Hopefully, we'll be back later this week with some more exciting things to blog about--if not, I'll just post pictures of Delaney.  You'll be ok with that right???

Friday, March 2, 2012

I was going to go to the gym........

but I took Delaney to Monkey Joe's instead!  Notice in the pictures Delaney took off her sweatshirt (Elmo) because she worked up a sweat!  I also ended up taking off my grey sweater but my arms looked waaaayyyyy too fat in that picture to post!  They have signs that say parents can't get in these things with their kids---you'll see I am of the opinion some rules are meant to be broken!  I mean I did it for Delaney, not at all for me, I mean look how bored I look!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Me and......

went outside yesterday to enjoy the gorgeous weather (yep, that's right she's wearing a bow to celebrate the 70 degree weather we had along with a long sleeve shirt and socks--classic case of being overdressed!).  I even thought I'd start sitting out the patio furniture it was soooooo nice!!!  Delaney decided she'd had enough and wanted me to open the garage door...
 so she could go sledding (she has a strange obsession with being in the garage, she loves it.  I think they are dirty---see floor, are for boys, and have no use for them).............

and then it was time to go buy tickets to see Elmo Live (you knew I'd cave and buy them right even though I had to buy Delaney a ticket "even though" she will spend the entire time sitting on her grandpa's lap???)  Could you deny this kid??????? Didn't think so...........

And just if you're wondering, yes, I did call her pediatric orthopedic surgeon and had to leave a message. It was either that (and wait up to 48 hrs for a return call) or dial 911 if it was an emergency---hhhmmm, I thought about it!  I told you I don't think like a rationale person when it comes to this girl.  I "seriously doubt" they'll want to see us.  Can you hear the doctor now "So Mrs. Newsom, Delaney has been walking on her tip toes "sometimes" and this concerns you?  "Yes, Dr. K. I need you to do x-rays right away to make sure everything is OK"!

And in "other news" today is Delaney's grandpa's birthday.  The girl LOOOOOVES her grandpa.  Here they are just the other day....(ok, maybe not exactly).  They are watching golf!