Don't you just love this time of year when all of the stores put out school supplies???? I could scour those aisles at the store for hours picking out supplies. And boy do they look different from "back in my day" you know, the day of the trapper keeper (ummm...did I just date myself?) There are all sorts of coordinating supplies in fun colors and designs! And if you're wondering, these supplies are for me, not Delaney!! Surely you know by now I am not going to let her go to school (that would of course require me to be away from her all day long). I am thinking/hoping by the time she has to go to school kids can just stay home and learn via video conferencing (but still get to use school supplies of course)! Oh, and if you're wondering if I am going back to school the answer is no, that would require me to be away from Delaney (and have homework and attend class and get up early and, well, we all know that's never going to happen!) Here in the "blogging world" it's sort of like Facebook (yes, I used to have it and if I had a dime for every time someone told me I needed to get back on it, I'd be a rich woman!) you find yourself on blogs reading about complete strangers and about 2 hours later you are thinking "I'll never get those 2 hours back". I like to read "mom blogs" to get tips on child raising, recipes, etc. But lately, there are have been two things that have really interested me. I am a fan of all things "paper" (invitations, cards, calendars, etc.) so it probably doesn't surprise you that I don't have an ipad, smartphone, etc. I like paper things!!! Well, assuming the person (ahem....ME) who writes things such as important appointments down correctly on said paper calendar! However, when said "person" doesn't and shows up two hours early for an appointment and then finds themselves scouring the school supplies at Target to kill time one can't be too upset over the minor mishap now can they?????? (But it sure was nice to run into you Angela W.---a blog follower of course) Ok so back to what these supplies are for and my comparison of blogs. v Facebook. Over the last couple weeks, tons of bloggers have been blogging about making a "Home Organization Book". Now, these are very specific to each blogger. Here are some of the categories: recipes, kids' schedules, goals, to-do's, finances, budgets, calendars, and blog topics (I remember when I did have Facebook I would think of "status lines" (do they still call it that??) at random times of the day, well in the blog world, it's no different so it will be nice to have a place to write down topics I'd like to blog about---wait, I just have one topic don't I???). So, my book will definitely have this category. These books are serious business people, these women are going to the internet and purchasing printable pages. I thought before I did that, I would make a list of what I wanted in mine and go from there. A lot of the printouts are free too so I'll definitely be taking advantage of them if they are applicable. Are you all wanting to run to Target now and get yourselves some "school supplies"??????? Or do you all have smartphones where you keep your appointments and don't show up 2 hours early??????
Oh, and since you probably want to see a picture of this kid.....(why does it look like Delaney has side burns????)This is the face I get when I ask to see Delaney's teeth!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well I better go rip open that package of filler paper and start writing down my goals---like putting together my "Home Organization Book"........oh, and as for the 2nd thing that's interested me on blogs I like to follow.....well, you'll just have to wait to see it, it should be arriving soon!!!
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