You can probably just imagine all of the things Delaney has been up to:
- she has REALLY continued to develop quite the personality
- if she continues her sleep schedule then she really is going to sleep her life away (I am already worried how she will get up and make it to school on time some day)
- when you tell her "no no" she has started doing the cutest thing, she makes a face and then turns her head like she's putting her ear on her shoulder-CUTEST THING EVER!
- she stands up on the arm of her upholstered chair and takes all of the things off the end table and tries to grab the lamp shade. She does this 100 times a day.
- she goes to the doctor on the 29th so I don't know her height/weight but will update it
- she loves being outside, swing, stroller, wagon, pool you name it!
- she has her morning and bedtime bottles but during the day she has a sippy cup but still won't drink her milk out of it but is doing better. I recently read in a magazine that kids need to be weaned from the bottle by 12 months (clearly, I should have subscribed sooner)
- she FINALLY sits down in the bathtub now
- she still won't keep her shoes on
- she has started saying "mom" which I am NOT happy about---what about "mommy"??
- she has gotten TONS of teeth
- the other day I asked her if she "pooped" (sorry, can't think of a "cuter" name for it) and she walked down the hallway to the bathroom and stood by the toilet and put her hand on the lid!
- oh and just recently, she has started putting her finger in her nose (and mine)! I know, not so cute but I can't just blog about all of the "cuteness" now can I????
- she constantly says "hi" all day long
- the other day Delaney walked into her room, went right over to her diaper bag (I really need to keep it in the closet) and pulled out her box of cookies and brought them out into the living room, sat on the rug and ate them while she watched t.v.
- she has FINALLY started giving kisses BUT ONLY WHEN SHE WANTS---she will go a few days without giving them and when she does they don't look like a kiss because she sticks out her bottom lip, it is SOOO cute!
Dear Delaney Catherine,
Each month I write to you and think how can 30 days have gone by already? 15 months has felt like 15 minutes. I love every single second of every single day I get to spend with you. You are so much fun. I love your personality, you are just like your daddy and the easiest going person who just goes with the flow! I don't ever worry about taking you anywhere because you are such a good girl. You attract attention EVERYWHERE we go. I just have to laugh because everyone pays attention to you. We were just at the grocery store and you said "hi" to every single person there including grown men. One man stopped talking on his cell phone to say hi to you!!! You are such a social bug and it's so darn cute!
I love you forever my sweet cheeks!
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