I know you're all wondering if we lost power...REALLY? Did you question it? OF COURSE WE DID!!! I thought if I got us all packed up (I know it looks like this is just my stuff but it's mostly Delaney's underneath) that maybe, just maybe, if I got us all prepared to leave, we wouldn't lose power! Not exactly sure where we were going to go (oh and if you're wondering, the Holiday Inn up the street DOES NOT HAVE GENERATORS. I thought about asking "well does that mean the pool won't stay heated")!! So it was out of the question! On Tuesday, I got us packed early, washed all of the bottles, got all of the laundry done AND WAITED!!!!!!!...........AND WAITED!!!!

Delaney went to bed at her usual time (9:00 p.m. and I made sure she was dressed warm because I knew we weren't out of the woods).........and then, at 12:45 a.m. THE POWER WENT OFF! I know you're wondering how did I know, wasn't I sleeping? Well, no, I was up reading Kendra's "Sliding Into Home" that I just can't put down! I even thought when the power went off to turn on the flashlight and read by its light but then I decided I should be more responsible with what battery life was left in the flashlight. So, I just hit the hay. The power was restored at 10:15 a.m. And, since we don't get up until 9:00 a.m., it wasn't too bad--we were without power for about an hour while we were awake. Now the thermostat was reading 55 degrees but by the looks of Delaney...........

It felt.................

a little.........(notice her up on her tip toes)

bit colder.......... (I almost put her in her snowsuit but then should wouldn't be able to crawl)

When I got up and looked out the window, the IPL trucks were down the street. THAT WAS A GOOD SIGN! But after an hour, I decided to call to find out what was taking so long! I was actually half tempted to drive down the street TO REMIND THEM THAT MODERN FAMILY WOULD BE COMING ON THAT NIGHT AND THEY BETTER HAVE THE POWER BACK ON BEFORE THEN!!! Apparently, a tree had fallen on a main line. But when I called to check to see when it would be restored (I do think they know me by now so this time, I diguised my voice and pretended to be "sweet"---it was a lot of work!) The lady on the phone said to me "a truck is on its way" uh...HELLO, your trucks have already been here for hours, apparently I am updating YOU!!!! Anyway, all is well (for now) and we are back to enjoying the comfort of heat, lights, t.v., internet, etc!!!
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