Well, it's no secret that this smelly creature and I aren't exactly "friends". I do promise to keep him fed and let him out to do his business---THAT'S IT!! I refuse to do any "grooming". So, for you dog lovers who have been to the house, THANK YOU for giving Maverick a bath. I have to draw the line somewhere seeing how I am NOT a "dog person" (or a "pet person" for that matter). Anyway, I have officially spent the best $15 of my life. I called the MOBILE GROOMER who came to clip the dog's nails. I think I"m going to put their number on my speed dial!!! I tried to get a close up of his nails but I can only go so far (and besides, he stinks)!

Onto much cuter matters..........Delaney's grandma Terry bought her the cutest onesie "This Is My Little Black Dress"....I had been searching for this very same onesie (since I was pregnant)leave it to a grandma!

Another shot.....

And in much more sad news (or exciting depending on how you look at it)....I guess I need to add Delaney to our dental plan....THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. I AM SO NOT READY FOR THIS!

I know, it's so unbelieveable...here's another look! I mean REALLY?? (Now, what you need to be looking at is the tooth below grandma's finger. The little white dot that is centered is formula).

I am so upset/sad over this that I am going to go for some retail therapy tonight! Grandma Terry is going to get some "Delaney Time" tonight............I am hoping to wake up in the morning and it just be gone!!
Ok, so as usual, I love the little black dress! AND WHAT IS WITH THE TOOTH??!! Are babies supposed to have teeth this early? I can't remember that far back, but it seems way too soon. Even as she gets her teeth, she's still stinking adorable!!