Monday, May 3, 2010

"Grandma's Not Sick Anymore"

Delaney finally got a visit today from grandma and grandpa---and a peacock! Grandma had been sick and hadn't gotten to come over. Her new peacock plays music.Delaney has been very fussy today and it's been a LONG day. After grandma and grandpa left, I got a horrible migraine (I haven't had one in a very long time) and luckily still had some prescription medicine I was allowed to take during pregnancy. Since Delaney was fussy, getting her to nap today was a HUGE task and when I would finally get her to nap, it wasn't for long. I tried to rest but unfortunately with my migraines, comes vomitting (sorry, I know that might be more information than you care to hear but I'm just defending myself for WHY I CALLED IN BACK UP) i.e. grandma had to come back over. I needed the extra hands for when Delaney got up........we decided she was having a very constipated day and once grandma when to the pharmacy and got some suppositories (which literally provided INSTANT results)'s what happened next!!! Thank you grandma!!!

Grandma Terry came for her weekly visit on Sunday and sure knows the way to my heart...oh how I miss catching up on the celebrity gossip. Seems these days I've traded People magazine for baby books....and now that Delaney is sleeping (see above picture) I can do some catching up! Thank you Terry!

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