Friday, March 16, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Pretend like this was taken this morning when Delaney didn't have "after school hair"! I forgot to take her picture before school and she was less than thrilled to take this (and may have had to put stuff back on) when she got home. But since she's not in's the best I/we could do.....

I tell Delaney we celebrate St. "Daddy's" Day because her daddy loved this holiday (as in, took off work for it)

 My friend made these for our group! We too take this holiday very seriously! We hired someone to drive us around in our tailgating bus. It was a great time.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Oh this girl......

My lazy child is so ingenuitive!
I mean I guess it's one less step for her to not have to open up the cabinet door and it is a "chip clip". My almost 8 year old is so much fun you guys!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Little Limbo???

This day started out with one of the walkers and ended like this....
Mental Note: take Delaney skating (this was only her 3rd time).

I'm not sure if we have any blog followers left out there because who likes bloggers who only blog once a month?? The short story is...Blogger is no longer supported by ios (and most of my blogging is/was done on my phone) and this laptop that I am sitting here typing on needs some serious IT attention!! Who wants to convert my blog to WordPress for me??? :-)
I have really good intentions of doing a better job blogging.
Just like the laundry I suppose...:-)

Life has been busy!! We're gearing up for Spring Break, started a bathroom renovation this week, and Delaney has had birthday parties for the last 8 weekends (see above) and another one this weekend! Oh, and my brain is simultaneously planning Delaney's EIGTH birthday and Easter (and Spring Break)!!!

P.S. I am serious about the WordPress thing :-)