LITERALLY.......(but before we get to this)
(And yes, that is her "puke bowl" as Dave's friend asked when he stopped by)
Let's start here!!!
The School Play this year was Peter Pan and since I only know a few of the characters and don't really know (remember) the storyline, I got this the day of the play. You know, so it would be fresh on my mind :-)
I wrote Delaney a note inside that may have sent her to her room in tears (#shegotitfromherdaddy). That girl is such a softie :-) #andiloveit
After FIVE month of rehearsals, this little purple fairy was pumped!!
(84) K-8th graders put on THE BEST performance. It blows my mind that these kids are so young. They all did an amazing job.
And this girl right here, she never missed a practice and made this momma so proud!
(Darn those shoes won't stay tied)
(Darn those shoes won't stay tied)
This bow was not lopsided when I put it on her in the morning. I thought it would be easy to find her if she had a ridiculous oversized JoJo bow on top of her head!
I'm glad some people remember to buy her flowers :-)
I did let her keep the book!!
I did let her keep the book!!
This year, they added a 3rd show on Saturday only my little purple fairy woke up with a stomach bug and missed her performance NOT EVEN KIDDING!!!!! And no one was more upset over it than those grandmas who planned on coming Saturday.
But, thanks to good ole technology, they still got to watch her perform!!!
But, thanks to good ole technology, they still got to watch her perform!!!
Until next year Delaney.....