Friday, April 28, 2017

Spelling Test

Delaney brought home her spelling test today and my first thought (after I got over the fact they take spelling tests in Kindergarten) wasn't how proud I was of her for doing well on it. I looked at it and thought how far she has come since last year! Having her repeat Kindergarten was the best decision I've ever made (well, other than the other two :-)

(Typical girl who makes her periods circles)
"We" have four more weeks of school and then we're off for summer!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kindergarten Program 2017

 Delaney is second row between the girls in the orange and white shirts. The Kindergarteners sang 4 Disney songs and if you look over in the left corner you may be thinking exactly what I was "That Beauty and the Beast Display would have been perfect for her birthday party"......
 The girls got to keep their tiaras and we now own 552 tiaras.............
 4 songs and we were gone! They kept it short and sweet.

Monday, April 24, 2017

First Comes Love, Then Comes......

 Remember when this happened???

Well now this is about to happen..........
We went to Ashlee's baby shower this weekend. And who doesn't love a good baby shower? It was a brunch that was catered and there were fun games (and we all know that's a love or hate category). We LOVE games.....Delaney's swim teacher from last year was there and she ran up to her and said "I'm going to need lessons again this year, I don't remember a thing". 
Of course last week when I asked her if she needed lessons she told me no!
Delaney's grandma sent me this picture from the weekend. They went to the playground at school. I love that on a rare occasion, Delaney wants ponytails. She's growing up at lightning speed and this gives me a little glimpse into when she was a toddler................

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Delaney's first Kidpik box arrived and I don't know which one of us was more excited!! We loved everything and it all fit perfectly!

After dinner, Delaney wanted to take the girls for a walk. I can only imagine how ridiculous we look with two baby dolls in the stroller! I mean wasn't it just yesterday I was pushing Delaney in this thing??

It was so nice out for a walk but I was excited to get back home and crank on the a/c!! Our new furnace and a/c were installed this week. They were here for 9 hours and Delaney asked them to stay for dinner! She said "my mom's going to grill out and we have peppers if you guys want to stay for dinner". Thankfully, they did not take HER up on her offer!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

7 year check up

Delaney had her 7 year check up with a new pediatrician. I should have warned her doctor about her. She was her typical funny little self who had her in stitches. She LOVED being able to put on a hospital gown. She hopped up on the table and said "I'm ready". She is 54.8 lbs and 4 feet tall. I am laughing about her "stats" because I remember doing them monthly when she was a baby and listing all the words she could say. I cannot imagine doing that now, she has a very extensive vocabulary that keeps us laughing all the time.

Man I love this kid................She made me promise she wasn't getting any shots and when I told her no she reminded me the last time I said that she did...OOPS. She proceeded to tell me her friends on recess told her she wasn't due for any. I am glad they keep track!

Who teaches these kids to put their hands on their hips for pictures???????

I always say like father like daughter when it comes to Delaney. Her new thing is to say "is that something my dad would do". It doesn't matter what it is.....BUT, the other day I had to snap this picture. She got ahold of my old Erin Condren planner (my favorite) and made a list of what she wanted to do on Easter. The order: Look at Easter Basket and make the food (Morning), Easter egg hunt and eating (Afternoon) and playing with new toys (Evening). And I just had to laugh because she totally got that from ME, her MOM!!!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017

Since we were gone all day Saturday, we had to get everything ready on Friday for Easter. 
That included Delaney's Easter basket THAT SHE WENT DOWNSTAIRS AND SAW!! In my defense, it was put up high and should have been out of sight.
I couldn't lie my way out of it, so I didn't..............
By the time we were back upstairs, I heard "mommy, is the Easter bunny real"?

I may have said yes if she hadn't have said "I wonder if the Easter bunny is going to bring me a new Baby Alive".....uh no, the Easter bunny doesn't bring $50 baby dolls!!! So there you have it, Delaney knows the Easter bunny isn't real. She told me he's kind of creepy anyway.
I was super close to having her hide her own Easter eggs this year :-)
She got Charlotte's Web, new slippers for her baby doll and a little bit of candy.

She said "mommy, this dress is a size 6". I told her to "make it work".
I wasn't fashionably prepared for Easter this year.

Elise looking for eggs

And Braxon joined in the fun!

Delaney wanted to wear her gladiator shoes with her dress and I told her no. Then cute little fashionable Summer showed up in them and of course I heard about it! They weren't right for Delaney's dress but totally perfect for Summer's.

Cousin Steven put an egg up high in the tree......

I didn't get a picture of all of the babies together...

Braxon is always on the move (which makes it hard to get a picture of all of the babies together)!

Delaney told me this year she was too old to get her picture taken with her pink bunny that I make her do every year. The good news is, she's not in charge!

I ALWAYS forget our photo booth props! Dear family, please remind me about these next year. I have officially decided from now on for every holiday, we are hiring a photographer (who is willing to work holidays). I also decided that next year we are grilling out for Easter! Surely you can throw a ham on the grill....

Delaney with her great grandma Millie
It was another great Easter in the books! The weather held off (I was convinced we were going to have to do the Easter egg hunt in our basement) and there was more food than we know what to do with! Speaking of food, Delaney snapped 3 lbs of green beans for Easter and I told her I used to do that with my grandma (who made THE BEST green beans ever). When I told aunt Karey about it she told me she saw this on Facebook.....

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Louisville Zoo

We put the car in auto pilot and hit 65 South (again). This time, to the zoo to celebrate Delaney's cousin Lexi's 3rd birthday! We loved everything about this zoo. Two zoos, two states, two weeks (and, we are planning a trip to the St. Louis zoo in June).  I mean you would think we are animal lovers or something :-)

I would also like to say that yes, my daughter left the house wearing these leg warmers on a sunny, 80 degree day. All I could say was thank goodness we weren't going to run into any non family members we know! I made her keep the bunny ears in the car (we all know who would end up carrying them).

Delaney got to sit in the front as a result of paper, rock, scissors (because how else do you solve such an important decision???)
Cousin Candice was kind enough to remind me this will be happening for real before we know it!
They had a fun Easter egg hunt for the kids---they turned in empty plastic eggs for a Ziploc full of GOOD candy!
Front row so they could get wet.....
Delaney keeps calling her aviators her "gladiators". #gapkids #thankstracy
Then we headed to the river for dinner................
Notice anything missing?????
And then we headed back home to get ready for Easter!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Music City- Part Four

Broadway Street did not disappoint
 Delaney found herself buried in a barrel of Starburst heaven!

 And then she "may" have gone in a bar #imnotproud #badparenting #favoritepartofhertrip

 The famous Ryman Auditorium (I pulled the picture on the left off Pinterest) and Delaney standing in front of it on the right
 With no plans for our last night there and wifi, I snagged tickets an hour before the show started  (Johnny Cash tribute).
 On song #2, Delaney leaned into me and whispered "I gotta get out of this place"
 Then this happened in an attempt to "shut her up".
In her defense, it was over 2 and 1/2 hours and we were sitting on very hard church pews. But, it's the Ryman, doesn't she know how much history was in that building????
 The Mother Church of Country Music

I hated this updated, modern section (where you enter).
We stood in line at Will Call behind a couple from Boston (yes, they were Patriots fans but we still talked to them) and Delaney ended up wearing the man's cowboy hat #shedoesntknowastranger

 When in Nashville.............
This right here is the #1 reason we WILL be going back to Nashville
This is the line out the door to Biscuit Love. It's also known as the line we refused to wait in.
 So we found another breakfast place to go to instead and pouted about it the whole time.
 Even thought it had this super cool truck out front!
We crammed a lot in in our 4 day trip and can't wait to go back!!