Is a lot like the laundry, it piles up and then I don't want to do it! But, the Newsom girls have been up to so much, it's time to share (so the laundry can wait, again). Does anyone know where October went? I can't believe it's November (and that we actually grilled out with friends last night or how I am sitting here wearing flip flops).
Delaney's gymnastics stuff arrived last week so she can practice at home. Oh, and she now wants the bars. What's with this kid #moneydoesntgrowontreesdelaney
Have to laugh when your Kindergartener brings this home from school!!! I threw it away because do we really care to read about either candidate?? Delaney pulled it out of the trash so apparently one of us does!
We support the Cubbies while doing our homework! One of my favorite moments from last week was when I was finishing watching something in the living room and Delaney wanted to watch the game (she makes her daddy proud) so I told her to go in my room (she does not have a tv in her room :-) So I am in the living room and she is in my room and she yells "the Cubs are winning 4 to 1...... I think". I made her turn off the tv and she said "wake me up if they win". She slept in her daddy's visor and they won so I had to tell her that she had to keep sleeping in it!
An eye appointment that again this year, left Delaney upset she didn't need glasses. She did fail her depth perception test so we are now off to a specialist who can't see us for a month! "Eye" have my doubts if it's needed or someone did it on purpose :-) We shall "see"....ok, I'm done :-)
We had so many Halloween celebrations I lost count! Here is my 80's girl who said "do you think people will know what I am"...I said "like, totally Delaney"!
I had to buy very little for our theme this year which is actually quite disturbing! I told Delaney I miss the 80's and she couldn't believe that's when I grew up. From the bags under my eyes, it's quite clear, I am old, and grew up in the 80's!
Now here comes the best Halloween party ever. Our family started getting ready for this over the summer! I told them I was going to call HGTV because they needed to see this. It was unbelievable. Delaney later told my mom it was so creative and should be on the news! #theyheareverything
This is walking into their barn.....
Baby Elise as a Flamingo...could you die!
Delaney and Summer. After the party, she said "I don't know what I'd do if Summer wasn't my cousin"....#shehasherdaddysheart
Silly girls......
Who doesn't love a good photo booth!
It would have been easier to herd cats.....
Eventually I gave up!
Summer and Braxon (a/k/a Scooby)
This made me think of E.T.
Braxon checking out "E.T."
Who needs a fire when it's so warm outside!
I loved Summer's make-up
Patiently (or not) waiting for the "little" kids hayride....(note the LARGE opening of her sweatshirt, more on that later).
Still waiting...
And waiting........
Their patience was running thin....
And finally...
They were off!
But not before cousin Kip asked the kids if they thought his tractor was sexy!
Each family brings a bag of candy and when they go out in the field, there are witches (nice ones) who pass out candy to the kids. I wasn't sure if Delaney would be scared but then I remembered it's for candy. And per Delaney Newsom "everyone knows Halloween is all about the candy".
It was a great party! I want them to leave the barn like that so I can have a Halloween party there next year!
I love Halloween parties. I went to one after this one and I didn't take any pictures but there were lots of celebrities there like Amy Winehouse (back from the dead of course), Joan Jett and Bret Michaels :-)
We also celebrated aunt Catherine's birthday over the weekend. I don't know how this happened (in addition to not taking any pictures) but Dave's friend's birthday was at the same place at the same time so we were able to enjoy two pieces of cake parties!
When your six year old starts texting you......
And when you're a stickler on grammar/spelling you reply like this.....
Remember the large "hole" I cut in Delaney's sweatshirt? It was going to be impossible for her to wear that to school on Halloween so we had to come up with a last minute 2nd costume. She said "hey y'all it's a homemade costume"...When I dropped her off at school, they had Halloween music and a fog machine going as they walked into the building.
The pink bandana is for her hair that aunt Catherine made.
Y'all, I was so proud of myself for repurposing it!
2011 and 2016 (sniff, sniff)
I could just kiss the person who thought to paint pumpkins!
Sitting out front on Halloween with "London" that her grandma and grandpa brought back for her.
"Delaney, you blow my mind with your reading this year. I hope you always have a book in your hand (or Kindle)". Her vocabulary kills me. The other day I had a piece of paper sitting out and she asked me what it was for. It didn't pertain to her so I gave her the "short version" and she told me I needed to be "more descript".

This isn't my proudest moment of Halloween 2016 but here goes......Delaney had gymnastics on Halloween this year so she didn't get to go trick or treating (I know, judge away). She did get to go to trunk or treat at school, a school Halloween party, and an HGTV worthy Halloween party so there was no shortage of candy (by the way, I got her dental bill ON HALLOWEEN so my guilt level drastically decreased when I opened it #sealantsaintcheap). We live in an older neighborhood that I dubbed the "geriatric neighborhood" years ago. We do not get trick or treaters! As in, I do not buy any candy..... none, nada, zilch! Delaney got a lot of candy from trunk or treat so that is what I took to the "HGTV" party (better there than say...on my thighs!). So when I got to the gym on Tuesday morning they were asking what Delaney was for Halloween, etc. Then they brought to my attention she didn't get to go trick or treating AND I gave away her Halloween candy! ooooops! I guess I hadn't thought of it that way!
In my defense, missing gymnastics is a pain because it's hard to make up the class on Saturday because she has play rehearsals. I have no defense for giving away her candy............
Speaking of play rehearsal, when I took her on Saturday morning she said "mom, get back in the car, I can walk in by myself". I said "I didn't get dressed for nothing, I am taking you inside"!
Well, I better get back to the laundry now.....I could say it's piled up because the dryer was broken or I could just be honest and say it's more because of this...............