The "mature ponytail". I couldn't get a picture of the ponytail and her cute little face, so I just got her cute little face......she said a ponytail looks more mature. #wheredoesshegetthisstuff
She told me this morning all of the teachers at school tell her she has the prettiest smile and her principal calls her smiley in the morning when she gets out of the car. I love that she is always happy and smiling. There's plenty to be sad about but in our house, we choose happiness! There is a rule in our home. You have to check your "sad" at the door.
That rule was hard to follow the other morning when "Smiley" looked at me and asked if I could trade places with her daddy! Of course we were on our way out the door to school so she got the "um, that's not an option" response. I mean what kid says that!!!