At least once a day, I tell Delaney that she acts just like her dad. And if she's really acting like him, I call her David. She, like most 5 year old's I presume, takes an enormous amount of time to do just about anything. Since there isn't an enormous amount of time in the mornings before school, that can lead to some "tension" in the house. And by tension, I mean a lot of yelling!
She takes a good 20 minutes just to get out of bed and get dressed. And that is a conservative number!
I was doing a lot of yelling this morning and was so frustrated with her lack of motivation to get things done. As I was making my bed (little known fact...I MUST make my bed every morning as soon as I get up) she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when she yelled "Ashley, come here, I need you to put the toothpaste on my toothbrush". And just like that, I wasn't mad at her anymore, I was laughing that she called me Ashley. Then I said "how do you do that, just like your dad, one minute I am so stinkin' mad at you and then you say or do something funny and I melt"!
So onto our next "issue"---(the melting quickly passed). Delaney puts on her ear muffs (kittys), coat, and gloves and by the time she is in the car (2.2 seconds later) they are OFF! I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed her ear muffs were already off and she told me because she wants to wait until she's in the drop off line to put them on and besides "everyone knows kittys don't belong on your head".
As we were in the car line, Delaney put on her gloves at her 5 year old pace and when it was our turn, I looked back and
yelled said "put on your ear muffs". She looked back at me and said "sorry mommy, it's my turn, gotta go". Then she looked at me through the passenger window and had the nerve to smile AND WAIVE!!
All I can say is she is one lucky girl I was in my pajamas! Oh, and then she didn't shut the door all the way, but like I said, I was in my pajamas! Thank goodness it's a short drive home...........
I think Delaney is embarrassed to wear her ear muffs because after all, "kittys don't belong on your head"..........or do they????