Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Mommy, Let's Go Out and Get Some Exercise"

And what she meant by that was she would push Olaf halfway around the block
Stop at "the park" and decide she was too tired to walk back and make mom push her (and Olaf)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Phase Two

We've moved into Phase Two of Spring Break a/k/a Week Two
Delaney's list is still growing and I"m quite sure it would have been cheaper to have gone on an actual vacation!  Soon enough, soon enough.........From the looks of the deliveries on our front porch, one of us is getting REALLY excited about Disney World (Delaney is too!)

The weather is finally warming up and Delaney is ready to get outside and exercise!  I don't know where she came up with such a crazy idea.  We are also gearing up for Easter (we host) but unfortunately, all of our Easter decorations are in storage and we can't get to them due to living in a construction zone!!!  So, we'll be serving our family on plastic tablecloths this year.  
We are not HOPPY about that!

Our basement remodel is going great!  The drywall is primed and the baseboard is going up this week!  Delaney has decided in addition to a second (yes, you read that correctly) playroom, she would like a "small office down there".  She has our contractor wrapped around his finger so I am afraid he just may fall for her! 

I am excited to report I just discovered that Lilly Pulitzer is coming to Target! I repeat, Lilly Pulitzer is coming to Target April 19th for a limited time.  
Here are a few of our must have's for our beach trip.............

 Who doesn't love a good shift dress???

 I am obsessed with buying Delaney Fedoras

And cute sandals............

Friday, March 27, 2015

Have You Ever.....

Been head over heels in love with someone that you were about to burst?????

Ya, me too................

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Never Ending Birthday

Delaney and I celebrated milestone birthdays this month.  We both enjoyed pre-parties, parties, and post parties.  But honestly, if her birthday doesn't stop soon, I'm going to have to hire her an assistant! ALL I did for 14 hours was field her calls, texts, video texts and then there was Facetime!  When her uncle David and aunt Teresa called to sing to her, I told them I felt like I was her assistant.  Then when we pulled into the garage she said "are you going to get me out assistant"!!!

I guess I didn't know what a big deal turning five was!  She told me that she got everything she wanted except that I forgot to take her to Red Box the other day.  I "reminded" her she got four new movies for her birthday!

We celebrated with Red Lobster for lunch and we finally made it to see Cinderella which I must say, didn't disappoint!  So we've checked that off our Spring Break Bucket List.............

We ended the day by scheduling our Fast Pass reservations at Disney World.  Her Minnie Mouse hair bows also came so I think the only thing left to order is her ID bracelet (oh, and her Toddler Tag Child Locator!!!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Five On Twenty-Five


Delaney Catherine,

You were born in my heart long before 1:39 a.m. on March 25, 2010.  You are growing into such a sweet and kind hearted little girl. It's hard to believe you aren't my toddler anymore.  Just this week, you were "accepted" into Kindergarten and that blows my mind!  When I just finished typing that sentence, you told me we are besties and we do everything together!  If only that could always be true! But we know those teenage years are ahead!  I don't know how old you will be when you read this but at 5 years old these are the things you like:

Hello Kitty
All things Frozen because you just can't "Let it Go"
HGTV (which cracks me up)
You are currently sitting next to me watching 19 Kids and Counting
You keep telling me you want a sister (which is never going to happen!)
Your meals are still limited to mac n cheese, butter noodles, french fries and chicken fingers (but you've started to like pepperoni pizza--just like your daddy!)
You love being outside
You love talking about and being around your famileeee (as you say it)
You love singing and can turn anything into a song and you are still singing Christmas songs
You LOVE LOVE LOVE going to school and your teachers love you so much
You speak Spanish to me and sometimes I have no clue what you're saying
You are still sucking your thumb like an infant and I'm not sure what we're going to do about that!
You have a very unhealthy competitive streak in you (you think EVERYTHING is a competition)
Your personality is beyond what I could have ever dreamed! You love to entertain and make people laugh
The two biggest things people always comment on is how you are always smiling and your incredibly insane vocabulary! It blows our minds! I don't even know where you learn such big words.

You are 100% just like your daddy and sometimes I call you David and you do NOT like that.  You love him so much and talk about him everyday! Just today you asked me if I was a teenager before daddy was!  You also talk constantly about our dog that died when you were two! You are obsessed with talking about him.

I could go on and on but it's past your bedtime and well, my show's coming on!!! Having you is just so much fun....everything else is just icing on the cake!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break Bucket List

We are marking off "our" list which looks like it's going to keep us busy for the next two weeks......
We finally received our letter notifying us that Delaney has been enrolled in kindergarten at choice A school.  I'm hoping the bucket list includes catching up on all the sleep I've lost worrying about her getting in!!!!! She also got the teacher I was hoping for.  Spring Break is off to a great start! Stay tuned for our birthday plans.....

Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Break 2015

Is off to a great start!!! Stay tuned for more from the almost five year old in the house........

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Don't you just hate those moms who always brag about their kids???

Delaney was in her playroom and yelled for me to come see all her hard work (her words)......she put together her castle without looking at the instructions! I went and grabbed the phone to take a picture of my super smart kid!!!
Those moms drive me crazy too.......

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What's St. Patrick's Day

Without a parade......
And candy.....

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Not one....But two

Getting Delaney's cousins together in one state can be a challenge.  They live in Indiana, Kentucky, and North Carolina.  In the Fall, everyone was in town for a family wedding and we were able to get a picture of the kids. You can probably imagine how challenging that was!

But as I've always said, in our family, we like to get married and have babies!  So this Fall, we'll have not one, but two new babies in the picture!  Baby one we just found out this weekend is a boy! Baby two's gender "To Be Determined"!!!

Delaney is so excited, she is obsessed with her cousins.  She's also obsessed with becoming a big sister...she's gonna have to settle for new cousins!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Thank You Miss Hannigan"......

Delaney has had a stomach bug this week (which is code for she gets sick and I clean it up)!!  She has finally started feeling better and was able to go to gymnastics! Oh, and she's back to calling me Miss Hannigan!!!! The girl is cured......

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Mommy, do you know the best thing ever"

Of course I said "climbing into fresh, clean sheets on your bed"......
But this sweet little slice of heaven said "having a big family"......(and then she said she just wanted to squish her family into a big ball of Play Doh) That's still sweet right????

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Little Biblical Scholar.

I crack up every time she reads her Bible Story Book
Before I started recording, she said "eyes on me"....

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sledding, College, and Belly Button Piercings...........

(Ignore the weird noise at the end)

We took advantage of the warmer temperatures this weekend and went sledding before all of the snow melted.
She is pretending she is a cowboy until the "wipeout", where she got covered in mud and then it was time to leave.
We drove past the college I went to and I said "Delaney, this is where mommy went to school, you could go here"......she replied "no, I don't think I want to go to college".  To which I replied "you are going to college, you don't have an option".  To which she replied "no mommy, because then I"ll graduate and have to wear all that black".

So I guess our college requirement will be to find a school where the students don't wear black caps and gowns!  Makes sense to me!!!  (In addition to the safest, non-party school of course).

Once we got home she asked me if she could get her belly button pierced!!
No wonder I found a grey hair the other day.................

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Supermoms v. Non-Supermoms

If I ever want to know what kind of job I'm doing as a mom, all I need to do is go to Delaney's gymnastics where recently, two of the moms were sitting in front of me (one was breastfeeding).  They each have three kids.  One of the moms asked the other if they were "done".  "No, we don't use chemical birth control, we are letting God decide how big he wants our family".  Then they started comparing notes about home schooling....oh, and I should mention that one of the moms is a former preschool teacher who brings those nasty looking green shakes (probably kale) for her two year old son to drink! Just the sight of it makes me sick and appreciate even more whoever invented the large diet coke from McD's in a Styrofoam cup for $1.09!  So, we've got breastfeeding, homeschooling, healthy shake making moms!  And if that wasn't enough, when class was over, they were talking about how they were each headed to libraries for story time.  Delaney and I were headed to Red Box!  Once we made it home, I may have locked her in the car............at least we were in our garage!

I don't make healthy smoothies and couldn't even tell you where our blender is!!!
Breastfeeding didn't work and home schooling is out of the question!  Story time wasn't really our thing either (or maybe just mine) and as a matter of fact, I locked her in the car there too!

I hate feeling like I should be doing more......maybe we can just quit gymnastics!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

My Second Favorite Thing He Left Behind..................

I don't know how he did it, but somehow in just two short months, Dave left behind a lifetime of memories with Delaney.  I was reminded of one the other night while watching..........................

When Delaney was two months old, I was watching the season finale (2010).  And if there was an award for the best season finale ever, that would be it! Remember when the gunman came into the hospital and shot Derrick because he thought he let his wife die?  Yep, THE BEST SEASON FINALE EVER!!!!

I was watching it in the bedroom and was holding Delaney with my legs propped up and she was laying on them facing me.  Dave was watching tv in the living room because what guy watches Greys Anatomy?!?!?!?  As soon as he heard the gunshots on tv, he came running into the bedroom, grabbed Delaney and told me she shouldn't be watching it!  You know because she could see that far away at 2 months old with the eyes in the back of her head.............................................

The other night Delaney was having a hard time going to sleep, it was a school night, but when she stood in front of me telling me she just wanted to be with her momma, I couldn't resist.  I picked her up, and rocked her to sleep in the chair.  Before she fell asleep, we were watching Grey's Anatomy.  One of the fetal surgeons was performing surgery that looked much like a c-section.  I told Delaney that's how she "came out".  Then she said "did it hurt", "were you scared".  She is the most inquisitive little thing I have ever met! Then she fell asleep in my arms and I eventually carried her to bed. 

I know this story about a fictional tv show is all over the place but I'll never forget David coming to get her and telling me she shouldn't be watching Greys Anatomy.  And I'm sure at 4 years old she still shouldn't be!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Oh This Girl.....

Delaney wanted me to take her picture with her Disney clothes and asked me if she was going to have her own suitcase. I told her she was going to need her own plane! 

Change of Plans!!!

I have been telling Delaney we need to get out her Disney clothes to see what she "needs".....

Pajamas (and unmentionables)....CHECK
Bathing suit cover ups and bathing suits....CHECK
Rompers, dress, etc.....CHECK
Pants outfits .....CHECK
(we discovered she has two of the black, red and polk a dot---ooops!)
I think it's obvious, all she needs now are hair accessories (I know you're thinking shoes but if you look closely, they are lined up--minus the red Minnie Mouse pair I ordered today)!!
And because you walk an average of 7 miles at EACH DISNEY PARK, I ordered these Skechers GoWalk2 shoes....Not the cutest but the pink helps.............

And hopefully the leopard print on the grey (or what I am calling my "neutral") pair......
You know you're getting "older" when you start buying comfortable walking shoes!
I thought these were a good choice until I was at physical therapy the other day and a lady (in her 80's) was wearing them!! Not to be confused with the lady who saw me on the treadmill and asked if I HAD A KNEE REPLACEMENT!!! I just can't make up this stuff!  Before I could turn around to say anything, my therapist quickly informed her I am too young for a knee replacement.  He has a short time to fix my ankle or I'll be turning these shoes in for a wheelchair in Disney!

I think all I need to do now is change our trip to two weeks based on the amount of Disney themed clothes Delaney has!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Time To Wear Green!!!

March means it's time to break out the St. Patrick's Day shirts!  Although Delaney told me she could have worn this shirt on "balentines" day since it has hearts on it.

At lunch the other day with my friends, I told them that I always knew Delaney would have a "big" personality, but I never dreamed she would be as entertaining as she is.

Delaney loves McAlister's and I love our mommy daughter lunches.  We talk  about VERY important topics like hair......When I pick up Delaney from school there is no other way to describe it other than a hot mess!  She never has her hair accessory in her hair....NEVER!  While at lunch, I told her her hair was a hot mess and she said "well yours is a disaster"...........we picked a new topic.

One of the workers came over and was chatting with Delaney and wanted to know if I had "just the one".....you already know how I feel about that!!!

At JCP, the cashier asked Delaney her name and then said "I've never heard that name".....I get that all the time. 

I was telling Delaney how she never forgets a thing and she said "you can say that again"

I try really hard not to buy junk food. So when there's a bag of chips in the house, it's a big deal.  I made a really good recipe (Pinterest of course!) with chicken nachos.  I bought the ingredients to make it again and every single day, Delaney wants to know if she can have the Tostitos.  And every single day I tell her that is for a recipe.  The other night she walked into the living room holding the bag and I just shook my head "no".  She said "well just how did this bag of chips get in my hand, did it grow a pair of legs or something"?????

I told her "Delaney, if you take that off one more time, you are going to get in trouble".  She said "mommy, I didn't take it off, my hands did, can just my hands get in trouble"!!!!

At school the other day the kids colored pictures of their dads.  Delaney brought it home, cut it out, and said "I"m going to put this in the drawer with Abe Lincoln's picture".  Over President's Day, they colored pictures of Abe Lincoln.....ours is African American.........

While watching Fixer Upper, I said "Delaney do you like that house"?  She said "No, it's not really my style, I don't like this one either (as in OURS), I think I would like something a little more "pinkish"......

"Mommy, did they have a master bedroom in Bethlehem"  (She also told me they didn't have any fast food restaurants, NOT EVEN A TACO BELL in Bethlehem).............

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Adam or Annie.......

Little Miss Personality got all dressed up and headed downtown this weekend.  Downtown was packed with the Maroon 5 concert and Annie (the play)......
Delaney thinks that going downtown means going to The Flying Cupcake.....I tend to agree!
Can you guess which one we went to? (excuse the static hair)
And I'm sure it's not hard to guess which cupcake was her's (she of course picked the one with the donut on top!)