Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for us! After receiving 1900 votes (our competition, members of The Blue Crew received 2000) we were headed to the finals! I can't even begin to tell you the planning and preparation that went into preparing for this event. At the last home Colts game (December 30th), our team participated in a tailgate competition where we were scored in various categories and I might add, we beat a bus that had a full, functioning bathroom on board! The tailgate competition went on for the whole season. After receiving a perfect score by the Colts representative/judge, we went on to round two where we were up against multiple tailgaters. We had NO SHAME in asking every living, breathing person to go online to and vote for Sons of Tailgating (SOT)....I think some of our persistence may have bordered on harassment! Again, NO SHAME!! The two teams receiving the most votes were headed to the finals and thanks to receiving so many votes, that was us! After a week and a half of planning, LOTS of texts messages and collaborating (and, holding an SOT meeting at an undisclosed location) WE WERE OFF............. (at what some, ok, I, would consider the crack of dawn--departing at 8:00 a.m. but we don't need to talk about that....and did you know it is still dark out at 7:00 a.m. WHEN I HAD TO GET UP!!!!!!!????) I may or may not have had to take a sleep aid the night before to assure my 8 hours of required sleep!
The rules were simple, bring a meat, a side, your "COLTSness", and Overall Experience...check, check check AND check!!! WE GOT THIS.....
Colts player, A.Q. Shipley arrived (a half hour late!) and was one of the judges. Everyone knows the way to a man's heart is through his stomach (and, making friends with his girlfriend didn't hurt either)......We had him autograph the bus!
Oh, did I mention WE WON (by ONE point)???? A new Honda generator!!!!
Oh, did you miss our competition?? A group from The Blue Crew who have been tailgating for 20 years! The best way to sum up the teams is White Collar v. Blue Collar...but isn't BLUE what it's all about??
The competition will air on Colts Up Close in a three part series so check back for air dates!!
Of course today couldn't go by without reminiscing of how the bus came about so I thought I would share with you a "Dave & Ashley" story........
In August of 2006, David and I took an early morning flight home from Boston (where we had attended the LONGEST baseball game in history--I know, lucky me). That afternoon was the first Colts game and although we weren't excited to go to a preseason game, we were excited to see where our seats were since it was our first season to have tickets. I decided to nap before round two of my "sports weekend" (did I mention the "early" morning flight??). David's friend Dave called him and the next thing I knew this happened:
D: I am going with Dave to go look at a camper
A: Oh, Dave and Crystal are going to start camping with the boys, that will be nice
D: Leaves
A: Naps
A: Remembers she's not a napper so gets up and looks for checkbook to pay bills but can't find it
D: Gets home
A: Asks D where the checkbook was
D: Says it's in the truck
A: Why
D: Because I bought a bus
A: You bought a What??????
D: A bus to turn into a tailgating bus
A: So no camper
D: No camper
And to the certain someone who "flashed" me today, I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT! WHAT A GREAT MEMORY ON A GREAT DAY..............