So here's my super cute new thing Delaney says! And, as if that isn't enough, this morning when I got up, I went into the bathroom to brush my hair back into a ponytail before I went into Delaney's room and when she heard me open the drawer in the bathroom she yelled "mommy brushing hair"! But wait, there's more....I went in her room and she dropped something on the floor and I said "whose is that" and she said "Delaney's" PLAIN AS DAY!! She normally refers to herself as "Laney". And just to be sure it wasn't a fluke, I asked her again tonight what her name was and yep, she said it again...Delaney!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
"Uncle Bird"
Let me start by saying Delaney does NOT have an uncle by the name bird.
While Delaney played with my phone (her favorite thing to do) I had no idea she downloaded a couple of Apps (Fieldrunner2 and PennyTalk--whatever the heck they are AND DON'T I HAVE TO ENTER MY PASSWORD TO DOWNLOAD APPS??????)!!! Perhaps I should not have been glued to the t.v. to watch the finale of Love in the Wild......or perhaps I should just not let my two year old play with my phone. I am guilty of giving her my phone to keep her quiet distract her and she has never taken an interest in Angry Birds--EVER! So, when she was holding my phone and said "Uncle Bird" I about lost it! I have no clue the last time I even showed that to her so the fact she remembered what it was called was too funny!! Oh, and I can't blame the screensaver on Delaney...I wish I could but that was all me...(please tell me you have gone to see Magic Mike by now???)
Delaney woke up yesterday morning and the first thing she said was "baby Logan". She is so excited for her cousin to come in town for the weekend but she has NO concept of time so every day she thinks he's coming. And we sure hope he plans on swimming because Delaney keeps telling me he's going to get "in the pool"---she says that phrase about 100 times a day! Here was her bed head (it was much worse...better??) in person. She would not look down so you can't really see it. Every morning when Delaney wakes up (10:00 the last three mornings and it has really thrown us off track) I say "did you have good sleep" and now she just tells me "good sleep" without me asking her!!
If you live in Indy, don't forget to book your reservation for Polar Express. I missed the boat (or train??) last year and we didn't get to go. It sells out quickly! I can't believe we are even thinking about Christmas time!!! However, it will probably take me until December to teach Delaney to say "Ho Ho Ho". She will not say it three times...she prefers "Ho Ho". We'll see what she says when she actually sees Santa! I'm guessing it will go something like "no mommy no". I'm really worried though that we only have five months to pick out which pajamas she will wear!!!!
Delaney started saying something SUPER cute and funny but it's got to be heard, not read so I'll try to get it on video this weekend! Actually I think just about everything Delaney says is SUPER cute and funny but I guess that's what makes me her mom. One of my favorite things about being her mom is that the little things ARE the big things! Just like "Uncle Bird" it was so funny and unexpected. Man I wish I could even come close to describing how much I love my girl!!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Honest Company/Plum District
I was so excited yesterday to get my daily deal from Plum District. I recently learned about The Honest Company (Jessica Alba is connected to it) and wanted to try their products. So I jumped at the deal yesterday to get $40 worth of products for $20. I'll let you know what I get.
And yes, that is our pack n play in the background. You know how long it took me to put away the Moses Basket so this can't come as a shock to you that I am not ready to put away the pack n play! Delaney hasn't been in it for probably a month! But I like it right where it is.............
And for some "bloggable moments".......
Yesterday we went to Longhorn with grandma for lunch and as soon as we walked in Delaney said "french fries". I informed her it would be nice to be seated before she started spouting out her order. A waiter was standing at the door and said "I'll go to the kitchen and get them ordered for you". THANK GOODNESS HE ENDED UP BEING OUR WAITER!!!!
As we stood up to leave Delaney said "go potty". Grandma was so sure she wasn't going to go potty she didn't bother taking the diaper bag to the restroom with her. Grandma was right, she just wanted to check out the restroom!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Step Stool
I recently made this step stool for Delaney (I'll show you a picture of it so you can see it in all its cuteness just as soon as she removes her cell phones!!)
I mean seriously, WHO does she think is going to call her??????
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
"Upsetting News"
Delaney and I haven't been to story time the last couple of weeks so we decided to go this morning. As usual, we were running a few minutes behind and I was hoping we could quietly sneak in and take a seat in the back but Delaney had other ideas! She walked in and yelled "hi Mary" (instructor who was across the room). Mary informed us at the end of class that after talking to some of the parents, they are going to be moving the time to 10:30 instead of 11:00....."EXCUSE ME???? I CERTAINLY DID NOT GET ASKED ABOUT THIS, DOES THIS MEAN THERE ARE OTHER MOMS WHO THINK THEY CAN ACTUALLY GET TO STORY TIME BY 10:30????" So after receiving this very disturbing news, we came home and called aunt Ju Ju to see if she thought this was "legal". I mean how can they just change the time!! We will NEVER make it in time...nice knowing you Miss Mary!!! Then after Julie assured me this was "legal" we discussed what is going to happen with Delaney's sleep schedule when she goes to school. Then, we decided Delaney can just do K12 online!!! Then we realized by the time Delaney is ready for school, maybe kids will just be attending via their Blackberry..................
Monday, July 16, 2012
We do dinner in the highchair and dessert on the porch!! Then we march ourselves straight to the bathtub!
Speaking of bathtubs, for those of you on Pinterest, you have probably seen this. I don't know the significance of using the blue Dawn but it has to be the blue. It is also very specific about heating up the vinegar. For our bathtub I heated up a half cup of vinegar in the microwave and poured it in the spray bottle and then added a half cup of the Dawn and shook it. Then I sprayed down the bathtub and wall surround. I let it sit for a few hours (I also read you can leave it sit overnight) and then I used my Magic Eraser to wipe it down and I was amazed how well it worked. I wish I would have shown you a before and after picture...............but then again, maybe not!
Friday, July 13, 2012
RECALL on High Chair
Delaney woke up yesterday morning and the first thing she said was yogurt. That is because the night before she wanted some and I told her she could have some tomorrow........THE GIRL DOES NOT FORGET A THING!!!!!!!!! I felt bad telling her she couldn't have yogurt, I mean it's not like she was asking for a cookie but I am trying to limit snacking after dinner. Delaney can reach her sock drawer and must have thought it was too cold in our house..........and yes, that is her Blackberry she has on her high chair. The girl thinks she's going to miss a call! I saw today on the news there is a recall on the Chicco Polly high chairs so if you have one you need to call 1-800-807-8817. Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us have the FREE repair kits.
Then it was time for her to put on her new jelly shoes (she takes them off and on all day long)!
Then it was time for outdoor play (disregard cracked driveway!)
Delaney can now open the front door so she went inside to get the vacuum to vacuum the lawn! Notice the shoes are off!
And then it was time for a fashion show....a/k/a trying on Delaney's new clothes. I asked her several times what toy she was looking for but she never answered. Guess she never found it!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Delaney woke up yesterday morning IN MY BED as you can see. This is a rarity as I DO NOT let Delaney sleep in my bed END OF STORY!!!!! I am "one of those" parents who does not mess around when it comes to sleeping. We sleep in our own beds in our own rooms PERIOD!!! However, (you knew that was coming) she woke up at 1:00 a.m. (not sure why) and I wasn't into figuring it out so to my bed she went! When I went to grab my phone to take this picture she was sucking her thumb and oh my word it was just like watching an angel sleeping but I wasn't fast enough, she took it out before I could get the picture. You'll see she is sleeping on my pillow and that means WE SHARED THAT SMALL AMOUNT OF BED SPACE!! Oh well, at least one of us got a good night's sleep!
I gave Delaney the option of going to story time or shopping..........(you can probably guess which she picked)!
We hit pay dirt at Janie and Jack and Baby Gap! While eating lunch at Nordstrom I sent my friend who works at Baby Gap a quick text to see if she was working and in return I got a "sale items are 40% off". And in return she got a "we're on our way" text from me!
Tracy insisted Delaney have these shoes and put them on her in the store. Delaney said "butterfly" and I said "how do you know that word"....that happens ALL THE TIME. I don't ever remember discussing butterflies with her!!
Tracy also insisted Delaney get a pair of Gap pajamas (I'm starting to think she works on commission!!) ha ha ha Delaney is telling me in this picture she needs crackers. I told her it was too late to eat.
Full. Of. Personality. (She did this when I asked to take her picture in her new jammies)
So I've been waiting (or not) for this to come. Delaney and I walked out to the mailbox yesterday and instead of another American Girl catalog we got this!!!!!!!!!!!
The water bill for the entire neighborhood apparently! I know what you're thinking, Delaney and I are either the cleanest people on the block or we have the greenest grass and I can assure you our grass is NOT green! We had to put down some sod and it required a lot of watering! I made a few comments on how I was dreading getting the water bill but this is not what I was expecting!
Perhaps we'll be going shopping again today TO RETURN DELANEY'S 2013 SUMMER WARDROBE!!! I mean water is a necessity and all but are 4 new bathing suits????
I think the most disturbing part of getting a water bill this high is they apparently made some kind of "sewer summer adjustment". So does this mean our water bill was even more???
So on our way to shop yesterday we were sitting in the drive thru at the bank and instead of bringing her baby dolls, Delaney brought her Winnie the Pooh, a duck and a ball with us. I asked her where her day day was and she said "day day at home in my room"........WHOA!!! I looked at my mom and said "um, that was a long sentence". Then like a mother hearing her baby's first words Delaney said "Janie and Jack"!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Water Bug
Delaney is obsessed with water. She loves the pool, baths, washing her hands and brushing her teeth! Yesterday morning she came out using my toothbrush. And when I say using, I mean she was using it on her teeth not just doing this....................
I can't think of anything more gross than sharing a toothbrush PERIOD.
Our days this summer look pretty much the same. Delaney wakes up and has breakfast and I give her the option of watching Elmo or Thomas The Train. Her response is always "Elmo Choo Choo Train" which means both! Then she gets in the pool, has her lunch, and takes a nap. I don't think I've ever said one positive thing about having a pool but here it is.......she often takes three hour naps if she's been in the pool! Of course after two, I start watching the clock thinking she's going to wake up any minute!
I always feel guilty getting in the pool to lay out when she's napping because it's next to impossible to relax. I float around on my raft thinking of all of the things I should be doing instead!! Like yesterday, I kept thinking I needed to go inside and get it over with........I needed to call Comcast to rip them a new one find out why our bill was $20 more this month! When I have to call the utility companies over their charges it takes me a good couple days to "gear up" because it is never pretty. I always wait to make those calls while Delaney is napping to ensure I will not yell and scream at them! Of course they told me my one year promotion ended! I told them their one year promotions seem to last a week! The lady asked me "if the family" enjoys the use of the DVR (I think she was trying to see if there were any options we could eliminate). I told the lady I had 31 episodes of Sesame Street sitting in my DVR so how is that for "enjoying" it????? NOPE not getting rid of HBO either lady (clearly, she doesn't watch True Blood)!
I won't bore you with how my conversation went with Comcast but I do want to let you know a little secret I learned awhile back with these utilities.....ASK FOR THEIR CUSTOMER LOYALTY DEPARTMENT WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO GET YOUR BILL LOWERED!!!!! But whatever you do, don't tell them you know me!!!!!
Completely random note......I recently learned I have two things in common with "Kendra", not those two things! She refers to herself as momma and she calls little Hank "boo boo".
Completely random note......I recently learned I have two things in common with "Kendra", not those two things! She refers to herself as momma and she calls little Hank "boo boo".
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
New Words
Delaney LOVES to go outside and get the mail. She always says "junk mail" and is OBSESSED with the mail truck. She always points them out when we are driving. She is typically asleep when we get our mail and thinks it's fun to walk down to the mailbox. Yesterday she had a "just because" card from her grandma--Thanks Grandma-- and an American Girl catalog!
Please disregard her hair, she went down for her nap with wet hair!
EVERY.SINGLE.DAY this little girl says something new and it's so funny. Last night, during her bath she was lying on her belly and bent her legs up and told me to wash her feet. So I did, THREE times! Then she sat up and told me to wash her "bellybubba" which took me a second and then it was all so clear....bellybutton! She is a typical little girl who does not like having her hair combed. I told her if she didn't let me brush her hair she was not going to watch The Kardashians! That sent her straight over to me! Did you hear Kourtney Kardashian had her baby girl? Penelope!!! It reminded me that I still need to do my post on our baby names for Delaney! And no, Penelope was not one of them!
After her bath, Delaney hid behind her chair in her room (hiding from me because she didn't want her hair brushed) and came around and said "pet boo". Again, took me a second and I realized that is her version of "peek a boo".
After her bath, Delaney hid behind her chair in her room (hiding from me because she didn't want her hair brushed) and came around and said "pet boo". Again, took me a second and I realized that is her version of "peek a boo".
Delaney is a snacker!! I honestly don't know where she gets it. I am not really a snacker. After she got her pajamas on, she grabbed my hand and said "come on mommy" and took me over to the gate that goes into the kitchen and grabbed my thumb and put it on the gate (you push down with your thumb). She goes straight to the kitchen and reaches her arms up and says "hold you" which means "pick me up" and then she has you open the cabinet door and then she says "other door" so you have to open the other door and she lets you know what she wants! She settled on playing with a plastic cup! It was too late for a snack!
We are working on manners. If I teach my daughter nothing else but her manners I will be one happy momma! When I say "thank you Delaney" she won't say "you're welcome" she will say "thank you mommy"'s a work in progress.
Delaney sat on my lap and we sang silly songs together and I told her I adore her and she thought I was talking about her cousin, Adarrah, or as Delaney calls her, "Darra". Then she said "Darra come". I said "ok baby, we'll call her mommy to see if she can come to stay with us" and Delaney said "call Jenny"...............that's her mommy!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Weekend WrapUp!
Delaney and I managed to survive the triple digit heat last week (mainly by staying inside). Having a pool means nothing to us--THE AIR IS HOT AND WE HAVE NO DESIRE TO BE IN IT!!!
Here is the mess Delaney made when I walked out of her room for all of 2 seconds. Luckily, those are clean clothes that needed put away (thank goodness). Perhaps she could have made her bed instead!
The girl LOVES to get in her closet and pull out things...THINGS THAT DON'T MATCH!
We had a fun weekend and "one of us" may or may not have gone to see Magic Mike again!
I also wanted to write down (type down??) something funny that happened yesterday morning. When our phone rings Delaney runs to grab it and says "telephone". I don't know why she does this, it's never for her! Delaney and I were sitting on the sofa and after I was finished talking, I asked her to put the phone back on the charger and she just sat it down on the end table and said "no mommy no" (in her cute, I'm 2 way!). I gave her "the look" and stared at her and then she mouthed "love lou mommy"-----TWICE!! THE GIRL CAN WORK IT AT THE RIPE OLD AGE OF 2!!!!!!!!!! Then she put it back on the charger!
Can you believe this is what we have to look forward to this week???? And this is a "cool down"!
I also wanted to write down (type down??) something funny that happened yesterday morning. When our phone rings Delaney runs to grab it and says "telephone". I don't know why she does this, it's never for her! Delaney and I were sitting on the sofa and after I was finished talking, I asked her to put the phone back on the charger and she just sat it down on the end table and said "no mommy no" (in her cute, I'm 2 way!). I gave her "the look" and stared at her and then she mouthed "love lou mommy"-----TWICE!! THE GIRL CAN WORK IT AT THE RIPE OLD AGE OF 2!!!!!!!!!! Then she put it back on the charger!
Can you believe this is what we have to look forward to this week???? And this is a "cool down"!
Friday, July 6, 2012
The Day After.........
Here is Delaney "the day after". I took her out (in a sun hat but you can imagine how long it stayed on) to the mall and luckily the people with manners at Von Maur didn't ask what happened. Can't say the same for the people without manners who shop at Hobby Lobby!!!!!!!
The first picture was in the evening and the second in the morning. I think it is already looking better!!!
The first picture was in the evening and the second in the morning. I think it is already looking better!!!
I am a FAILED Mother!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday started out like most days, "gancakes" for breakfast, nonstop episodes of Elmo (although I am excited to announce Delaney has started watching "choo choo train" a/k/a Thomas The Train) and lots of play time. About 2 seconds after I took this picture..............
I took these..................
Notice how Delaney is holding her piggy ice pack ON THE WRONG EYE!!! So really, how bad could it hurt?????? Delaney went sideways off her horse and I think her eye came down on her blocks. I can assure you, it hurt me more than it hurt her. By the time we got the ice pack from the freezer and were back in the living room she was saying "oink oink". Then when her grandparents came over for their visits she was standing at the door waiting for them and before they could even walk in she was pointing to her boo boo AND RE-ENACTED WHAT HAPPENED!!! Then she tried to get sympathy by showing them another "boo boo" on her knee which was completely OLD and scabbed over!!! Nice try Delaney!
One of the million things that blows my mind about this little girl is how tough she is (just one more thing she doesn't get from her momma) so when she cries, I KNOW she's hurt.
And when her aunt Ju Ju got wind of this little incident, here's what happened..........
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Friends, Food, Fun and Fireworks on the Fourth (minus the fireworks)!
We went to the lake today to celebrate the 4th of July. We LOVE going to the lake. I was really excited to see how Delaney would do. She loved swimming in the "pool". I gave up telling her it was a lake. I didn't take any pictures but I did manage to get the one of her asleep in her car seat. She fell asleep seconds after getting in the car. The fun didn't end when we got home though, after her 45 minute nap she was ready for another celebration. We had Angie and Amy over for a cookout!
When I saw this drink on Pinterest, I knew I wanted to make it for the 4th! As I was putting the drinks into my cart at the grocery store, my inner voice was telling me it would not work! See glass pitcher (mental note--listen to inner voice)!!!! I wanted to get at least one picture of Delaney in her 4th of July tank top before she got dinner all over it. Speaking of dinner, Delaney LOVES corn on the cob! You can't tell from our spread but we grilled veggies and shrimp and chicken (and pretended to drink these).......
Perhaps I'll just stick with making this.............
No fireworks for us this year. I am a take it or leave it (more so leave it) kind of person when it comes to fireworks.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Power Outage
So we lost power last night--SHOCKER!! (NOT)
I just knew with these temperatures and everyone running their A/C it was bound to happen. And, at least it happened while it was still light out. So we thought we would give you some "suggestions" of things you can do when you have a power outage.
You could sit around and eat Oreo cookies AFTER you have already brushed your teeth for bed. (Don't even ask--you know better, of course I did not buy Oreos those have grandma written all over them)!
You could play with blocks.
Or you could play Blackjack on mommy's Kindle.
Our power was restored an HOUR earlier than the automated system said which was a good thing because who wants to wait to watch The Real Housewives of NYC. I am confident once IPL saw where the power was out sirens went off to alert them it was me "the crazy lady who lives at_____, who will call every 5 minutes until the power is restored". I've "heard" if you tell them you are A. pregnant, or B. with a small infant who needs the power restored so they can make bottles they get to you MUCH faster. But I'm just saying I've "heard" that before!!!
The day I found out I was pregnant (July 19, 2009 to be exact) we lost power. I had IPL on speed dial and used the "I am pregnant I need my A/C line on them!!!! (Of course I was a whole 2 seconds pregnant but they didn't need to know that). Then I panicked thinking "oh my gosh what if the guy on the phone tells the guy who comes out I am pregnant and then he clearly sees I don't look fat and miserable pregnant"--you know because guys are into details like that.........................
David was at the firehouse and came home real quick to make sure everything was alright! It was the first time we saw each other since I told him I was pregnant (by text message!!) Such a fun memory. I know what you're thinking WHO TELLS THEIR HUSBAND THEY ARE PREGNANT IN A TEXT MESSAGE!! I was going to the movies and knew I would have to shut off my phone and I had to tell him! In my defense, I did try calling first and he didn't answer so I sent him a quick text message and when I got out of the movie I had a billion missed calls!
Oh, and just so you know, the pregnant/baby "lines" work on IPL too in the winter when you lose power and your heat goes out. I"m just saying!!!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Bathing suit fashion sense
I informed Delaney just because her swim hat matches her pajamas that doesn't mean she can swim in them! I guess this means we are going swimming!!!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Orange Leaf
I call this picture
(Delaney calls popsicles "pops")
Delaney got dressed up in her "American" attire to go for Mexican (although she had chicken strips and french fries)!! We aren't talking about the boo boo on her cheek. It was all my fault! Darn car seat!
And since she didn't finish her dinner (spoken in my sarcastic voice) we went for Orange Leaf where Delaney was double fisted! I just realized maybe she didn't finish her dinner because I let her have ice cream in her bath before dinner and then again an hour later!!??? What kind of mother am I?????
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