Monday, October 31, 2011

Howdy Halloween Ya'll

Notice how Delaney holds her pail (like a purse)!!!
And just for fun...........(She went from a prisoner to a cowgirl)

Have you been wondering what Delaney was going to be for Halloween??? Actually, "her mom" is going through "corrective hair color" for the past week and HAS to wear hats when we leave the house. So, "her mom" had to be a cowgirl so why not make Delaney one too right? Actually, that's not true---(well, the corrective hair color unfortunately is). I always have "big dreams" of what I want to dress Delaney up as (you know--for the past two years) but then make her something "easy" at the last minute. Actually, I did not have to buy one thing for either of us! But that's not to say I didn't go out looking for new cowgirl boots because somehow, this girl's foot has grown since March when she last wore hers! ha ha ha We decided to "mosey" on over to aunt Catherine and uncle Mark's house to go trick or treating......Um, ya, I know....cutest thing EVER!!!
Delaney wanted to go trick or treating with a Wizard (a/k/a her cousin, Adarrah)............
Sure, any kid can have one, even two pumpkins, but why not three????
We have been in full Fall/Halloween mode around home! Inside the vase is popcorn kernels and THE BEST candle---Farmer's Market from Yankee Candle. I tied ribbon around the vase.
Delaney is such a good girl I always tell her to...............
(another Pinterest idea)

Grandma Terry brought over fingerpaints (and also did the mummy pumpkin) and as clearly displayed by these photos, you'll see I let Delaney use them---she went straight to the bathtub.
We made a fun Fall setup outside............(just pretend like those stacked pumpkins--um ya, can we say PINTEREST---are painted "Happy Fall Ya'll" ok???)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I turned my back for a second.................

and this is what happened! I kept Delaney in her high chair after lunch so I could do dishes. When I was finished, this is what I saw..................................Delaney and I are watching the Colts game today and she keeps going up to the t.v. and turning it off! I guess she's not interested! ha ha ha


I wasn't sure which was worse, the fact Delaney did this (the girl is a climber) or the fact I was secretly hoping she would do it again so I could take a picture (albeit a bad cell phone picture). Don't worry, I am counting down the days (March 7, 2012 to be exact) until I can get the new iphone (i.e. better phone camera)! I also want to blog about the fact Delaney walked up to me yesterday and said "poopy"---I know, I have GOT to stop talking about poop on this blog! I checked her diaper and yep, sure enough she did! I can assure you I am nowhere near ready to even begin thinking about potty training! As a matter of fact, typing that just reminded me I need to order diapers (which I am happy to do because once she's potty trained there really isn't anything she'll need me for now is there?????)

Friday, October 28, 2011

je t'aime papa

Did you know Delaney is bilingual? Yep, she sure is, she speaks French. How else do you expect us to be able to communicate in Paris! It's no secret Delaney je t'aime her papa! (And Old Navy, how about a shirt for mama????)!!!
and if you're a little rusty on your French and don't feel like going to Google for a translation. It means I Love Daddy! (and yes, Delaney finally got her bangs trimmed)
And here's a shot of Delaney throwing a slight tantrum over not being able to play with the camera case. I told her they will NOT allow this behavior in Paris!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fairytales and Nursery Rhymes........or

Cookbooks.......................Us Weekly................
Or Baby Talk..........

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

19 Months

Before I know it, 19 months will turn into 19 years and Delaney really will be wearing my shoes (hopefully not my Sperry's though!). These monthly posts seem to come faster each month which can only mean one thing.
Meet Indy's most loyal Colts fan!
The daily changes in this little girl are amazing! It's like she is a "real" person. I mean I know she's real and all but you know what I mean. She is a mini little person with a mind and personality of her own. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G how much she soaks up--the girl is a sponge! I just wish she could use a sponge to help clean up all of her messes!
Here's what Delaney is up to:
  • Sorry to start this out with "poop" but this just happened and I keep forgetting to blog about it. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened. Typically, Delaney has a late morning poop. But on the mornings she doesn't, I lay her down for her nap and EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I mean it NEVER.FAILS she will still be awake 1/2 hour to an hour afterwards and then it dawns on me---she pooped! Can you blame her for not wanting to fall asleep after she pooped??? I know it seems strange that if this happens so often I don't realize it much sooner but I don't! It is almost becoming comical--well, that is if there's anything comical about poop! So, I love the mornings where she has her morning poop because then I know she will fall asleep right away....except today! She DID have her morning poop and 45 minutes later she was still awake so I went in there and she did it again you know like the song "poops, I did it again"! Just when you think you have kids figured out................I would also like to say I never would have guessed how much you talk about poop when you have a baby!
  • Delaney is not only obsessed with her usual baby (i.e. glo worm) but now she plays with two and we have to take them both EVERYWHERE. When it comes to twins, I say better her than me! She still calls her babies "day day".
  • She is still what I consider a picky eater and WILL NOT eat meat.
  • She has been sleeping pretty late and got up at 10:00 the last two mornings. I am sure now that I typed that tomorrow morning will be much earlier!
  • She FINALLY says mommy and says it no less than 100 times a day.
  • She says hi to anyone and everyone when we are out and again says it 100 times. You really can't take this kid anywhere. She is a SOCIAL BUG I tell you.
  • I try to teach her the name of anything we come in contact with and it's so fun to hear her try to repeat things. She knows her eyes, ears, cheeks, chin, teeth, nose, feet and belly.
  • She has a very strange obsession with smelling fee/shoes and not just her's. She crinkles her nose after she smells them. Still need to get that on video.
  • She knows "no no" quite well but doesn't really stop doing what she's not suppose to be doing when she hears it. She just likes to point and say it.
  • She loves planes and I tell you this girl can hear them before they take off! I hate it because she will hear one in the house and run to the window but our trees out front are too full and she can't see the sky---don't worry, I am having them removed!
  • When on one is here to watch her when I shower, I put her in her pak n play and turn on Mickey Mouse Club or Little Einsteins. That is the only time she watches cartoons. She just really isn't into them!
  • Her obsession with the cell phone (and home phone) is increasing. She says "hello" while holding them up. Everyday she gets a hold of my cell phone and starts texting!
  • She is getting much better about letting me brush her teeth.
  • The girl LOVES her baths (always has) and I let her sit in the bathtub until the water drains and the other day she grabbed the towel out of my hand and laid down in the bath tub and said "night night".
  • She doesn't get to be around other kids but when she does she has so much fun and does really well. Any kid no matter what age she points to and says "day day" even if they are older.
  • She loves to sit and flip through my magazines.
  • After Delaney's bath she grabs her dirty clothes and walks them into her room and puts them in her hamper and it's so cute. I am sure the day will come when she does NOT do this on her own.
  • Delaney has finally gotten into her bows and when I say "into" I don't mean so much wearing them as I do getting "into" them. I "hid" them in her closet and she goes straight into her room into her closet and dumps her hat box full of them. She says "bow" now.
Dear Delaney Catherine,

I could go on and on about all of the new things you are doing and saying. Watching you learn and grow and develop is priceless. Never in a million years would I miss this time with you. I know before I know it, I'll be putting you in preschool so you can interact with other kids (and more importantly, so you have somewhere to wear your cute clothes) and our days together will be much shorter. I cannot stand being away from you even if it's just for an appointment or the grocery store. Now I know why people have more than one kid, it is just so much darn fun. I have said so many times you are such a good baby (yes, you are still a baby to me) and were born that way. I have no other baby to compare you to but you are just so easy to take care of. Thank you for that sweet cheeks!

Your mommy

Friday, October 21, 2011


So many words come to mind to describe this 24 lbs of heaven but yet at the same time she leaves me speechless............

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Hold Please"

"Can you hold on for a minute"
"Mommy, I'm on a very important call"
(don't worry, this kid is getting her bangs trimmed next week!)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011


Ok so I just checked my daily Zulily email and saw that Erin Condren has a deal for YOU! For $25 you get $50 worth of product. This is a MUST buy people. That is who I ordered my personalized day planner from. I don't normally do posts without a picture so you have to know how excited I am about this deal!

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Wouldn't it be awful if you did research to find the perfect pumpkin patch and you drove FIFTY miles there only to discover you left your memory card in your laptop! Thank goodness Delaney's grandmas came armed with their cameras! ENJOY....................

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rock-A-Bye Baby (and Pooh Bear) In The Tree Top

Delaney can now climb onto chairs and the sofa. Before climbing up she says "uppie" and then once she is "uppie" she likes to "shoot orders" of all the stuff she "needs". Of course I comply!See what I mean?????
And speaking of her room, thanks to pinterest, I "borrowed" this idea. I have TONS of fabric left over from Delaney's nursery. I tried this quick and easy project with some leftover fabric. (These photos were taken on two different cameras but unfortunately by the same operator who clearly doesn't know what she is doing!) The color on her walls is a light sage green not these strange colors you see due to my inability to change the settings on my camera(s)!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

(bad cell phone picture)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


"Mommy, this looks like chicken"!
"If I've told you once, I've told you twice, I don't like meat"!
"Oh mommy, sometimes you exhaust me!"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Go Golts" (as Delaney says)

Delaney quickly outgrew her tennis shoes so it was time for a new pair. I was "shox" at how big she looked in tennis shoes that tie. Of course about 2 seconds after I tied them...................they looked like this......(Then I decided to double knot them!)
And just to show you I do try to put bows in her hair........................
We decided to stay home today and watch the game from the comfort of our own home/chairs. We did go and tailgate but came home just in time before the game started. Tailgating with just girls means lots of pink (oh and hand sanitizer---girls think of everything)! It really is a much different experience when it's all girls! We had so much fun and Delaney had a great time. When we got home Delaney decided she wanted to make a phone call:

"Mommy, I think I want to call Peyton"
"Hi Peyton, it's me, Delaney Catherine. I was just checking to see how you're recovering"
"REALLY, you're doing well and hope to return soon???? I am so glad to hear it, we could really use you out there!"
And then it was ruffle bottoms and all!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

We're Back.......

Hi, remember us?? The Newsom Girls?? I could go on and on about why we've neglected the blog but that would just be complaining (and I"m pretty darn good at that) but isn't it much more fun to hear about this sweet little pumpkin????? She got a hold of my wallet and in 2.2 seconds pulled everything out of it (which prompted me to clean it out).......................
Two words----hair helmet (the girl will NOT keep bows in her hair)! I mean would you look at this hot mess.....
I love my little hot mess! She really does rock my world!! And I am so glad it's time to pull out the baby legs (she may have just gotten 3 new pair)........