Notice how Delaney holds her pail (like a purse)!!!

And just for fun...........(She went from a prisoner to a cowgirl)

Have you been wondering what Delaney was going to be for Halloween??? Actually, "her mom" is going through "corrective hair color" for the past week and HAS to wear hats when we leave the house. So, "her mom" had to be a cowgirl so why not make Delaney one too right? Actually, that's not true---(well, the corrective hair color unfortunately is). I always have "big dreams" of what I want to dress Delaney up as (you know--for the past two years) but then make her something "easy" at the last minute. Actually, I did not have to buy one thing for either of us! But that's not to say I didn't go out looking for new cowgirl boots because somehow, this girl's foot has grown since March when she last wore hers! ha ha ha We decided to "mosey" on over to aunt Catherine and uncle Mark's house to go trick or treating......

(another Pinterest idea)