Monday, January 31, 2011

Great Grandma's Birthday!

Delaney got up at her usual yesterday (God love that girl!) so we got started right away on making the desserts for her great grandma's birthday party (I like to start early just in case what we make doesn't turn out and we have to run to get a "back up")!! We also like to make two desserts---that's just how our family rolls! What can we say we love our sweets! Delaney "assumed her position"............

Wondering, just wondering.........

exactly how long all this was gonna take.....

I was afraid to turn over the cake pan for fear it wasn't going to turn out.........

but there were no worries!! (not sure why the can didn't have enough pineapple rings)

with the brownies either (not sure why they look so strange, sorta like little loafs of bread or something--I promise, they were moist and delicious and tasted just like brownies)!

Here is a picture of Delaney with her great grandma Purichia back in September.....

and here they are now...............

Happy Birthday Great Grandma!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Sippy Cup"

Today was Delaney's first time to drink out of a sippy cup! I know, I know, you're thinking I"m joking but come on, if you're a faithful blog follower, then YOU KNOW I'M NOT! It's been sitting in our cabinet, then, a couple weeks ago, I got it out, washed it and well, that's about it. I just "wasn't ready".........(despite the fact the package said "for babies 6 months and older")!!! Here is Delaney trying to figure out what to do with it...................... And, well, it didn't take her long..................


she'd been drinking like she'd done it since she was 6 months old!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Double Digits"

That's right, Delaney Catherine is TEN.......... Count them, TEN..............................

Months old today! She is determined to continue growing and has reached double digits! I"m not really sure how this happened. All I know is, I blinked, and, well, here we is what she's up to!

  • I think Delaney weighs just over 19 lbs (went to the doctor almost two weeks ago and her weight was 19.11)

  • Delaney just started (as in had her 2nd jar yesterday) size 3 baby food jars

  • She takes 5 6 oz. bottles of formula a day (sometimes 8 oz)

  • Delaney is doing MUCH better about taking naps and is averaging a 2 hour nap everyday! And, is currently napping as I type this! (I think)

  • She crawls from one end of the living room to the other nonstop all day long. It's exhausting (and I love it)!!!

  • She will stand on her own for a few seconds and has really good balance. She will go from a sitting to standing position on her own.

  • Delaney is absolutely obsessed with the remote control (and my cell phone). She has fake "real ones" but wants nothing to do with them. She has accidentally called someone before too (Sorry Jenny!). I think she's a real natural when it comes to talking (don't have a clue where she gets this from!) She "talks" from the minute she wakes up until she goes to bed.

  • With her obsession over the remote, I am quite certain that Delaney will have a future in television. Maybe she'll be a newscaster or something (for the evening news of course because we all know she doesn't see daylight until 9:00 a.m.!) ha ha ha

  • Although we don't blog about it much anymore, we still have visitors almost daily

  • She wears 9 month clothes and size 2-3 diapers

  • WHEN I can keep shoes on her, she wears a size 3

  • She is almost finished with her very first prescription (Augmentin) for a "skin infection"

  • Delaney sleeps an average of 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. (although the last three mornings she has gotten up at 8:30---don't have a CLUE what's gotten into her)!

  • She has her 4 top teeth and her 4 bottom teeth

  • Delaney smiles ALL THE TIME

  • She currently has her first diaper rash and if it doesn't go away soon, I am going to need some intense therapy over it!! I know, I am so dramatic! But seriously, it breaks my heart that her bottom is not, well, "perfect"

  • And speaking of perfect, I know I am her mother and that I, (along with all of her grandparents of course) think she is perfect....BUT SHE REALLY IS!

  • Just the other day while we were at the grocery store, we barely walked in the entrance when a total stranger walked up to us and said "do you just take her picture everyday or what, she is precious"! Of course being the proud mommy that I am, I thanked her and then said "actually, yes, I do"....(clearly she wasn't a blog follower or she would have known! ha ha ha)

Dear Delaney Catherine,

Here we are at the 10 month mark, how in the world did this happen??? I don't remember, nor care to remember what life was like before the minute (1:39 a.m. to be exact) you came into this world. My world truly does begin and end with you!!! Two months from today we will celebrate your first birthday. I am already stocking up on kleenex for that day! I know they say the days are long (well, our's aren't exactly that long thanks to your wonderful sleeping habits) but the years are short so I will just continue soaking up every second with you I can!


Your mommy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Work Number"

The other day I received an EOB from the insurance company from a recent doctor's visit. It reminded me of something that happened that day at the doctor's office. When I checked in, the girl at the front desk wanted to "re-confirm" my contact information and said she needed my "work number" because the one they had on file was no good. I replied "my work number is the same as my home number, I stay home with my baby". She was sweet and said "well, you probably work harder than most of us then". I smiled and took my seat. People often ask me if I miss working.....................................

WHAT DO YOU THINK??????????? DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK???????????????


So, please don't start sending me hate emails! ha ha ha...I could never ever do what you do, (I mean let's face it, I am not a morning person)!!

I hardly call getting to spend every second of every day with my favorite little person "WORK". But, I guess "technically", I "work" from home. So, if you need me, I'll be at the office, you know the "work number"...........

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"I Used to be a Great Mom........"

and then I had a baby..................

Delaney is absolutely obsessed with..........................

Now, I"ll admit her last "boo boo" (coincidentally in the same spot) was a bit hard to see but not this one! Delaney is RARELY out of my sight and I'm sad to say was an arm's reach away when she bonked herself in the face with the remote (and, nothing showed up at first so I didn't think a thing of it) So, I did what any mom would do and asked Delaney if she wanted to bake some chocolate chip cookies!!!

And, yes, we...ok, I, licked the beaters!!

We could hardly wait for them to cool!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Delaney sure does like her carbs.................(notice the noodle stuck to her chin)! This is the first time Delaney has eaten the size 3 jar of food! She ate it (ALL) like she'd never been fed before. I"m starting to wonder if my daughter is malnurished!! And YES, I do see that it says for babies 9 months and up and that she falls into this category (and has for a month)!
I wonder where she gets her love of carbs!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

"50's or 60's Does it Really Matter???

Well, yes, if you're talking about age, but, I"m not! I'm talking about the temperature in our house when we woke up this morning!!! Now, this time last year, when I was pregnant, you would have likely seen our thermostat set at the 50's or 60's but it's a new year, and, well, a new belly....IT WAS FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! All because of this little piece here......"an ignitor switch". I really didn't care WHAT it was called I just wanted our heat back!!! While we waited for the heating and cooling repairman to get to us, we packed up and headed to grandma and grandpa's (where Delaney didn't get any attention paid to her)!!!! YA RIGHT. By early afternoon, we were back in business. It didn't take long for the house to warm right back up, in fact, it actually got a bit too hot! (I know, I"m never happy!)

As hard as I try, I cannot keep socks on this girl.....does anyone know a "good place" to find socks? Since we have hardwood floors, I want to make sure I get the ones with the non slip bottoms. I have heard The Childrens Place is a good place to get them...hhhmm, looks like we need to head to the mall. I'm actually afraid to take Delaney out of the house because I"m sure someone would turn me in if they saw her without socks!!

Delaney had a MAJOR blow out today at grandma and grandpa's so it was back to her pj's once she got home... (in her signature colors of course!)

Delaney now goes where "no baby has gone before" DOWN THE HALLWAY!! I put her exersaucer in the way to try and block her but you see how well that's's so cute to hear her "pitter patter" down the hall.

So, at the end of this crazy day, I decided to treat myself (now come on, it's just a small container, see, just 3.6 oz, so small it came with the "spoon inside"!!)

We're due for more bad weather. I got all of the laundry done today, I mean I would hate for Delaney to have to wear the same pair of pj's twice in one week! Looks like she might be in store for another "jammy week"!! Thank goodness she got tons of new pairs for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas----OUR CHRISTMAS POSTS ARE FINALLY UP!!!!! You'll have to scroll back to December 24th and 25th. There are multiple posts so grab a cup of coffee, or hot chocolate like I'm about to do, it may take you awhile!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Delaney Will Go To Great Lengths To Get Out of the House.....

and, her pajamas! Oh wait, she left the house IN HER PAJAMAS!!! Yes I have turned into "that mom" and let my daughter leave in her pj's and her "bed head". It's official, I HAVE FAILED AS A MOTHER!!!!!!!!! Delaney had to have her first antibiotic................................I have prided myself on that little ummmmm, how should I make this "blog appropriate"..ok, her "bottom". As in, she has NEVER EVER had a diaper rash, in fact, we have the same tube of diaper rash cream since she was born!!! But, on Wednesday, I noticed "something was going on" wasn't a rash, but we were thinking maybe a yeast infection. So, off to the doctor we went!!!! But thank goodness it wasn't a yeast infection. She just has a skin infection going on and he "sees it all the time" as if that was going to make me feel any better! He then says that it's quite possible she COULD GET A YEAST INFECTION from taking the, here we are just a little over 9 months into Delaney's life and my baby has to take medicine! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? Thank goodness it tastes good because she has to take it twice a day!!!
When I woke up this morning, I heard something on the monitor and wondered what in the heck it was. Delaney doesn't have anything in her crib with her so I thought "what was that". I got up and saw her at the end of her crib with her arm stretched out and grabbing her laundry basket. She somehow managed to throw the lid on the floor! I think my little domestic diva is trying to tell me she's ready to learn how to help with the laundry!!! (don't I wish).............
This morning started out like every other morning...Delaney started playing and dumped her toy baskets...but when she pulled her books down, one of them must have hit her because she cried like I"ve never heard her cry!
So, I ran and got her "boo boo bunny" uh huh, that's right, we haven't blogged about this yet because we have never had to use it! It's essentially a baby ice pak. This stays in our freezer. However, Delaney wanted to put it in her mouth rather than on her "boo boo"...................(I know what you're thinking..."where's the boo boo")...well it's just under her left eye, just a little bump...don't see it? LOOK CLOSER, I PROMISE IT'S THERE! ha ha ha.......

I sure hope Delaney isn't calling CPS on me after all this.................

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Another Day, Another Pair of Pajamas"...................

Do you think this is a sign Delaney is getting a little cabin fever?????

You didn't think these guys had stopped coming to our house just because Christmas is over did you?????
We got our first delivery from My friend, Sharon, told me about them and for some unknown reason, I am JUST NOW using them. I mean these big boxes would take up a lot of "cart space" at the delivery and 2 day shipping why would you buy anywhere else (ok and No, I am not a spokeswoman)!!! Thanks Sharon!!!! And, if you look closely, you'll see they also sell our diaper genie refills............
Oh and don't forget UPS.................
Who brought this....
and this...(I know, it looks a bit big, that's because it is, it's an 18 months for next year). When I was little, I remember my mom always picked out London Fog coats for me.......hhhhm "like mother like daughter I suppose".....