Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Ahoy Mate"

Delaney is ready to set sail (except, we don't own a ship!)

Don't ask my WHY I just happen to own a life saver. If you know me, you know this is not odd, unusual, or "weird" whatsoever. I just happen to have these type of "things" lying around!!!

This shirt isn't really "fitting" when it comes to Delaney. This little girl has been sleeping about 13 hours the last few nights! (I sure hope I didn't jinx myself by posting about it either!)

I am embarrassed to even admit to you what Delaney is doing in this picture (and no, I am not talking about her holding her bottle). She is lying on the floor WATCHING TV UPSIDE DOWN!!


Monday, September 27, 2010

"Bring On the Warm Clothes"

I bought this outfit for Delaney when I was pregnant. Don't ask me WHY I bought her the WARM outfit in a 0-3 month. I'm guessing it was just a good buy and you know I can't pass up a good sale! Anyway, I was "purging" her clothes she's grown out of and almost cried when I realized she never got to wear this. But, upon further inspection, I realized "this looks big" (which I say about everything I"m not ready to part with). And, as luck would have it, it was a perfect fit (so, just another fashion tip, don't go by the size!) I just love seeing her in new outfits. Now don't get me wrong, I'm still sad that I'll never see her in her summer wardrobe again which is why I'm thinking of having everything "bronzed"! ha ha ha...........It only took one snapshot to get Delaney smiling and looking at the camera--I think she's a natural in front of the camera! ha! This is Delaney's 2nd "Sink Bath" (I guess I forgot to take pictures the first time). It is so nice to not have to drag out everything. I think I'll "bronze" her bathtub too!

She had her foot in her mouth but of course when I ran to get the camera this is all I could get! Good thing it was a "clean foot" since she just took a bath!
"Delaney, show mommy your teeth"........

"Good Girl"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"It's Never Too Soon"................

To Pack up And take Delaney on her first college campus tour, after all, she is SIX months now!!!ha ha ha. We went to visit cousin Cerelle at college. We took in a game (IU v. Akron)..........

Delaney really liked her dorm.

Delaney fit right in (thanks to aunt Beth who went and bought her the "appropriate attire").....

Cerelle and her roommate, Sam, (they are both nursing students). I don't think these girls are going to have to worry about the "freshman 15".......

"Mommy, can I go walking around and check out the boys on campus with Cerelle"????

There was golf (hillbilly that is)...........

Delaney got a new book from aunt Beth.....

And of course she didn't miss out on lunch......

And then there was a wardrobe change before the game!

Do you love how she's focused on the game?

And since mom didn't take down any toys (not because I forgot, I just chose to use the diaper bag space for clothes instead) Delaney decided she'd just chew on aunt Beth's watch.

"Mom, check the diaper bag again, are you SURE you didn't bring any toys for me"?????

"Ok then, I"ll just take another bottle instead".............

We had a great day at IU. HOWEVER, it's clearer now more than ever, Delaney will NEVER be leaving her mommy to go away to school. I reminded her how close we live to mommy's Alma mater (U of I) which is just a mile or so up the road!! Thanks for letting us come down for the day Cerelle!!

On Sunday, Delaney got some tummy time. This is what she does now, she scoots backwards off her blanket onto the rug (which of course her very overprotective mommy just had cleaned!)

And before the big game came on, she took a short nap............

Which seems odd since she slept 12 and 1/2 hours last night!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Six Months Already?????

Can Someone Please Tell Me How Six Months Have Gone By????????????????????? Delaney Catherine,

I have thoroughly enjoyed every second of being your mommy these past six months! You are the happiest baby I have ever known. You smile all the time and are so content. You cry when you're hungry or tired. You sleep an average of 10 hours a night (although you don't like to nap during the day at all. I think you're afraid you might miss something.) You are rolling over and I can't wait to come in your room in the morning to see if you're on your belly or you're back. Either way, I know you'll greet me with a great big smile! You have two teeth on the bottom and I think your top teeth will be in soon. You are starting to scoot backwards but aren't crawling (thank goodness!). You are going to start eating baby food soon and I"m not sure I"m ready for that! You eat 6 oz. every 3-4 hours and get pear juice. You also get cereal in your bedtime bottle. You love being outside and could sit outside on our porch all day long if I'd let you. You like to go for walks or just "go". You are a very flexible baby and don't really have a "schedule"--my fault, not yours! You are starting to wear your 6 month clothes but I still try to keep you in your 3-6 months when I can! If the next six months go by this fast I don't know what I"ll do!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"This Little Piggy"...........

Went to the Mall............(Ok, so maybe that's not how it goes but she's my kid I can teach her however I want right??) This Little Piggy Stayed Home.......
"Mommy, why would anyone want to stay home from the mall"?

"I don't ever want to stay home from the mall".........

Don't you find it odd that the clock struck........

Before Delaney started........

To do this....?????

And speaking of the mall, it looks like we went! But, I am sad to say we didn't have to. These were from Delaney's 6 month clothes in her closet!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

"The Social Butterflies".........

I think it's safe to say, if I could bottle up every second of Delaney's day........ Well, you'd probably........
Find me on an episode of Hoarders or something! I can't get enough of the sweetest thing I"ve ever laid eyes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I of course have to capture her NAPPING when it happens. I thought this was especially cute seeing how she's holding her toy as she naps!
I do not know how someone gets drool ON THEIR BACK!!!
Delaney had a very busy weekend. As a matter of fact, she's taking applications for a personal assistant!! She keeps a very busy social calendar these days! She went to a parade (and here she is starting to cry when she saw, and heard).............
would you believe........

And then when it passed, she decided to do this......
She saw cheerleaders.......
and Homecoming court candidates.............
decisions decisions...................
But, we ended up here........
For a walk in the park...
"Mommy, are you serious, am I really not going to the game"???????????????

"Ok then, I"ll just stay here and eat my pig".....
Delaney also went to a softball game and a birthday party but somehow I forgot to take pictures at them! She had a VERY busy weekend. Our social calendars are really filling up these days.